Ukratko, kada "hard disk" pronadje gresku prilikom citanja/pisanja/verifikacije, on markira taj sektor kao reallocated i prebacuje podatke u specijalnu oblast (reserved area). Taj proces se zove remapiranje (remapping). Vrednost obicno predstavlja broj bad sektora koji su pronadjeni i remapirani. Veca brojka - veca briga, hard disk postaje spor i blizi mu se kraj.
Ovaj drugi atribut je takoreci nebitan (mislim na Run Out Cancel).
Citat:This parameter is considered informational by the most hardware vendors. Although degradation of this parameter can be an indicator of drive aging and/or potential electromechanical problems, it does not directly indicate imminent drive failure. Regular backup is recommended. Pay closer attention to other parameters and overall drive health.
Citat:Some drives have 0 ecc errors but many have a lot more than you got and it is normal.
Citat:If you have lots of reallocated sectors, that is something to worry about.