Samsung: DDR2 proizvodnja će premašiti DDR1


Samsung: DDR2 proizvodnja će premašiti DDR1

  • gamzzy 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 10725
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

hicago (IL) - Samsung, the world's largest DRAM manufacturer, will shift its DRAM production process dramatically towards DDR2 memory this year, setting the path for accelerated adoption and lower prices for the successor of DDR1.

If you aren't using DDR2 memory despite its broad availability, you haven't missed anything. Despite support of the technology through Intel's PCI Express chipsets, manufacturers so far have been in a wait-and-see position, choosing the cheaper DDR1 memory for most of their systems. This is about to change, says Samsung.
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Samsung builds about 29 percent of all DRAM modules sold worldwide, determining the direction of the industry with a comfortable margin. According to market research firm iSuppli, Hynix follow Samsung with a 16.4 percent share, Micron is third with 16.1 percent.

Jim Elliot, associate director of Samsung's DRAM business said that DDR1 memory still outpaces DDR2 in bit production units at this time. "During first quarter about 43 percent of our manufacturing will be DDR1, 30 percent will be DDR2." By the third quarter, DDR2 however will surpass DDR1 with a 39 to 35 percent share. For the complete year 2005, Elliott expects DRAM output at about 40 percent each for DDR1 and DDR2. SDRAM will still hit 10 percent with the remaining 10 percent of capacity dedicated to Rambus DRAM and graphics memory.

While Elliott wouldn't comment on a specific time when DDR2 may hit the price point of DDR1, he said that "DDR2 will set the benchmark price" for DRAM memory by mid of this year.

Other industry sources expect DDR2 533 memory to be available for today's prices of DDR 400, once DDR2 667 will become widely available later this year. According to, DDR2 currently commands roughly a 200 percent price premium over DDR1. 512 MByte DDR PC-2700 modules sell for about $50 while DDR2 PC2-5400 units run for $134. A similar price difference is shown for 1 GByte modules ($83 and $279).

Elliott believes that notebooks currently offer the "best value proposition" for DDR2, memory, since Intel's Alviso chipset would not only provide PCI Express functionality, but also more performance (DDR2-533) and less power usage. As a result, "more than 90 percent of notebook manufacturers use the faster memory" instead of DDR1 in their products, Elliott said.

Recent tests in Tom's Hardware Guide labs however revealed that the power advantage of DDR2 compared to DDR1 by scaling supply voltage from 2.5 volts to 1.8 volts can be eaten up by the PCI Express interface. The speed advantage offered by dual-channel DDR2-533 memory is a maximum of five percent compared to single-channel mode, according to our benchmark results.

Elliott believes that DDR2 will also offer a "compelling" solution for the desktop this year with Intel's 1066 MHz FSB becoming more present in the mainstream segment. The technology offers significant headroom and therefore offers "future-proofing" for the corporate market, he said. The next memory generation however has appeared on the horizon: DDR2 is likely to top out at 800 MHz, which is expected to be commercially available late 2005 or early 2006. "DDR1-400 provided a bridge to DDR2-400. DDR2-800 could provide a similar bridge to DDR3-800," Elliott said.

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 24 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 183
  • Gde živiš: Nis

Bivsi direktor ComTrade grupacije je rekao da ce za najvise 10 godina kompjuteri biti velicine upaljaca. Kada sam ga pitao: "pa gde ces da gledas?" Rekao je: "samo ce ti trebati zid, okrenes se prema njemu i izprojektujes sebi sliku."
Tehnika stalno napreduje. Nemamo mi para da pratimo tehniku.

  • gamzzy 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 10725
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

ja znam da će se i tada koristiti ovi računari koje i sada koristimo, svako drugo razmišljanje je SF...

  • Pridružio: 24 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 183
  • Gde živiš: Nis

Moguce da si u pravu. Kod nas ce definitivno i dalje da se koriste. Ko zna sta ce da se koristi u svetu.

  • Goran 
  • Prof.Mr.Dr.Sci. Traumatologije
  • Pridružio: 05 Maj 2003
  • Poruke: 9977
  • Gde živiš: Singidunum

Pa kad samo pomislim da su u Americi imali digitalnu centralu i mogućnost tonskog biranja još pre 30 godina a kod nas je i danas dan problem da to dobiješ, pa još moraš da jurcaš vezu da bi ti uključili tu mogućnost.....šta da ti pričam beda teška smo ti mi.
Evo danas dobijem čoveka s kojim mogu da završim kući ISDN liniju al da calnem 250 €, kaže da se podmaže, sva sreća te mi je poznanik inače bih mu sasuo zube u grlo i glat podmazao šta treba.
Da napomenem da sam uredno predao i probao regularnim putem da dobijem ISDN, odbili su me glat, kažu nema tehničkih mogućnosti....pričam baš sa ovim čovekom i kaže nema problema može, sve može baš sam neki dan kod tebe u kraju uključivao jednog korisnika na ISDN......... koje ovde lud a ko zbunjen??

Ma neću da pričam otišao sam totalno off..... samo ste me dotaknuli kad je reč o novoj tehnici i šta se kod nas koristi u odnosu na svet.

  • gamzzy 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 10725
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Potpuno si u pravu što se toga tiče, zato sam i ja rekao da će se kod nas koristiti isti ovi smrdljivi 32bit-ni računari, još mnooogo godina...

  • Pridružio: 18 Okt 2004
  • Poruke: 444
  • Gde živiš: Pozarevac

@gammzy Kako ko ..Very Happy
A nas isdn je najnapredija tehnologija....ADSl koji svi predstavljaju whoow kazu mnogi ,ljudi u svetu krece ADSl 2 koji mi samo mozemo da sanjamo a taj adsl ce raditi u PM na nasim centralama i telefonskim vodovima....A o wirlessu da nepricam kada sam se nakacio brze sam cepao modemom nego njime.....Jedino sastelit nama pomaze (bar meni) ali i za njega trebam tel. liniju...
@GoranK ISDN se isplati u pm , 8000 din za telefonsku liniju ( uz vezu) koju mozes da dobijes 1 u 100 molbe kada im onako dosadis , pa 7000 za ISDN a da nepricam o dva kanala !!! Ja prosto poludim kada pomislim na konekciju.... Frend mi zivi u austriji ima covek u skoli lan sa internet provajderom ...

  • Goran 
  • Prof.Mr.Dr.Sci. Traumatologije
  • Pridružio: 05 Maj 2003
  • Poruke: 9977
  • Gde živiš: Singidunum

ISDN - daš svoj broj i doplatiš 7000 Din plus još neke administrativne troš nebitno, al ako nećeš da daš svoju liniju onda doplaćuješ 14000 Din i to sve za dvokanalnu linju. Da treba da platim samo 7000 pristao bih al da podmazujem nešto mi se baš ne pucaju tolike pare, mada nije to poenta neću bre da me neko krade.

  • Pridružio: 18 Okt 2004
  • Poruke: 444
  • Gde živiš: Pozarevac

meni trazili 16000 za dva kanala + 7000 Razz Lopovi

  • Pridružio: 19 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 180
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Kao fizicka lica NEMATE nikakvih sansi da dobijete ISDN liniju pre 2006 godine, mogu samo pravni subjekti i to je politika Telekoma jos od pre 4 godine kad sam prvi put dobio tu informaciju. Naravno to za podmazivanje je surova realnost drzave u kojoj zivimo, pa ako imas plati pa klati Wink

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