imam mrezu pod win 2003 na kome mi je smesten i dns server i dhcp i domain controller. Klijent racunari su pod win xp pro. Svi oni rade ok, pristupaju resursima,ali kad otovrim konzolu dns i pogledam dns logove non stop mi se pojavljuju greske
EVENT message 7062:
DNS Server encountered a packet addressed to itself -- IP address<actual IP address>. The DNS server should never be sending a packet to itself. This situation usually indicates a configuration error.
Check the following areas for possible self-send configuration errors:
1) Forwarders list. (DNS servers should not forward to themselves).
2) Master lists of secondary zones.
3) Notify lists of primary zones.
4) Delegations of subzones. Must not contain NS record for DNS server.
Event ID 9999
Source DNS
Type Warning
Description DNS Server has encounters numerous run-time events. These are usually caused by the reception of bad or unexpected packets, or from problems with or excessive replication traffic. The data is the number of suppressed events encountered in the last 15 minute interval.
Kako da resim ovaj problem? Kad ukucam na primer na jednoj klijent masini nslookup
*** Can't find server name for address Timed out
*** Default servers are not available
Default Server: Unknown
Napomena: ja sam ranije radio replikaciju i izvrsio kompletno prebacivanje active directory dns i dhcp-a sa starog na novi server. U DNS konzoli na primer u stavci dns servera neame server stoje adrese oba servera i na jos par mesta. Da to mozda ne pravi problem, pa mi se pojavljuju poruke event id 7062 i 9999