Cancer Drug Found!?

Cancer Drug Found!?

  • Pridružio: 02 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 1516
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A scientist was frustrated when the compound she was working with (called PPAR-gamma) destroyed her sample of cancer cells. Further research revealed that the substance was surprisingly well suited as a cancer treatment. Lab test results on mice resulted in the destruction of colon tumors without making the mice sick." Quoting: "'I made a calculation error and used a lot more than I should have. And my cells died,' Schaefer said. A colleague overheard her complaining. 'The co-author on my paper said, "Did I hear you say you killed some cancer?" I said "Oh," and took a closer look.' ... [They found that the compound killed] 'pretty much every epithelial tumor cell lines we have seen.'"

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  • Pridružio: 31 Jan 2005
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Vaccination to prevent cervical cancer launched in Czech Republic
[07-12-2006] By Pavla Horakova

Fifteen-year old Anna Jicinska, a high school student from the city of Brno, was the first girl in the Czech Republic to be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus - the primary cause of cervical cancer which kills around 500 women every year in this country.
Anna JicinskaAnna got the first of three shots on Tuesday in Prague, and says it was just like any other vaccination. It was Anna's mother's idea to get her daughter vaccinated and she also paid the costs. The price of the three doses needed for a person to develop a sufficient level of antibodies is around 10,000 crowns (475 US dollars).
"Since I started enquiring about the vaccination, I have been aware it is not going to be cheap. It is quite a lot of money but health prevailed over money. I consulted a number of experts, including paediatricians, and had only positive response from them in the sense that this is the best we can do in the way of prevention," Anna's mother, Katerina Jicinska, says.
Cervical cancer is the second-most common type of cancer suffered by women worldwide. It begins in the lining of the cervix where normal cells can develop pre-cancerous changes that can turn into cancer. This process usually takes several years but in some cases the development can be very rapid. The condition can be successfully treated while still at a pre-cancerous stage. So far, the only method of prevention was regular smear tests, used to detect infectious, premalignant, and malignant processes, usually caused by sexually transmitted human papillomaviruses (HPVs).
The human papillomavirus HPVsSpecial tests can also detect the presence of the human papillomavirus itself. Around 80 percent of women are believed to come into contact with the virus at some stage of their life but in most women, their immune system can deal with the infection over a few years. Around 3-5 percent of women in whom the virus persists face an increased risk of developing cervical cancer.
The Czech Republic, together with the other countries which joined the EU in 2004, has a very high incidence of cervical cancer compared to the old EU member states. Some 1,100 women are diagnosed with the disease every year, 500 of those die. Czech doctors agree the alarming levels need to be reduced and vaccination could play an important part in the process.
Dr. Lukas Rob is the head of the onco-gynaecological ward at Prague's Motol Hospital and also the vice president of the European Society for Gynaecological Oncology. He is a staunch advocate of blanket vaccination of young girls between the age of 11 and 14: that is, before their first sexual intercourse. It is vital that girls should be vaccinated before they begin their sexual life because if they have already come into contact with the virus, the vaccine would be ineffective.

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a i nemacka pocinje se vakcinacijom, ali masovnom; tj 3 milj. devojaka ce dobiti poziv.

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Nemacka primenjuje kao prva Evropska zemlja masovnu vakcinaciju protiv raka

Izdano: 28 maart 2007 12:56

Berlin- otprilike 3 miljona Nemackih devojaka dobice poziv da ucestvuju u masovnoj vakcinaciji protiv raka materice. Nemacka vakcinska komisija savetuje da se sve devojcice izmedju 12 i 17 godina preventivno vakcinisu. Ovo su najavile Nemacke medije u sredu.

Prva masovna vakcinacija protiv raka u Evropi. Serija od trie injekcije kosta 450 evra i troskove ce u potpunosti pokriti Nemacki fund za zdravstvo.

Ocekuje se da ce druge Evropske zemlje pratiti Nemacki primer. Ministarstvo za Zdravsto u Austriji je takodjer najavilo od sledece sedmice pocetak slicne masovne vakcinacije.

Vakcine sa imenima Gardasil i Silgard vec su od prosle godine dostupne u Nemackim apotekama. Autoriteti imaju zelju da vakcinisu sve devojcice pre nego one postaju seksualno aktivne. Virus koji nosi ime Humane Papillomavirus (HPV) je uzrok od 70 posto tumora u materici, i vecini slucajeva se prenosi kroz seksualni cin.

U Bundes republici godisnje 6500 zena oboli od doticne bolesti, 1600 od njih umre, kako izjavljuju medije.


U Holandiji je komora za Zdrastvo iznela pocetkom marta savet u vezi vakcine za raka materice. Drzava mora brzo da istrazi da li je moguce doticnu vakcinaciju ukljuciti u drzavnom programu za vakcinacije, izjavila je komora za Zdravsto. Ukljucenje u programu znaci da ce odredjena grupa automatski dobiti poziv da se vakcinisu a da drzava pokrije troskove za iste.

U SAD-u u toku su razgovori u vezi programa za vakcinisanje. Otprilike 20 drzava razmisljaju da obaveze vakcinaciju za devojcice od 11 godina. U pojedinim drzavama ovo je vec slucaj. Konzervativne grupe koje propagiraju ne upraznjavanje seksa, pokusavaju da remete ovo desavanje. Oni tvrde da roditelji sami mogu da odrede da li zele njihovo dete da vakcinisu protiv virusa HPV koje se prenosi kroz seksualne odnose.

U indrustijskim zemljama svake godine 17.000 zena preminu kao posledica raka materice. U Holandiji je taj podatak trecina od 600.000.

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  • Pridružio: 02 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 1516
  • Gde živiš: # :(){ :|:& };:

nadam se da ovim pochinje jedan novi zivot za chovechanstvo..

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