First download the JW MP3 PLAYER here
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Then Upload all the files to the forums root folder.
Now we go to the admin panel of the forums, there go to Styles then click on templates, Click on edit and on the dropdown menu look for overall_header.html. On the overall_header.html file add this code before the </head>
Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
Then Save it.
Now click on Posting Tab on the admin panel, and click on Add a new BBcode
On the BBCode usage box insert these code
Code: Select all
and on the HTML replacement box insert this
Code: Select all
<p id="player3"><a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var s3 = new SWFObject("mp3player.swf", "line", "240", "20", "7");
On the Help line enter a tip if you want, Like enter Url of the MP3 here ect...
Then click on Submit.
That's it you done
Now to use it, the users needs to click on the mp3 button on the posting box, and enter the url of where the MP3 is located, like this.
Code: Select all
Sve uradio kao u uputstvu,,jednostavno nema nista ???????,ili dobijem obavestenje da idem po flash player ........
Dopuna: 21 Sep 2008 19:27
Ima li neko ideju kako da muziku sa kompa postavim na forum,ili sa bilo kog drugog mesta,naravno da mi je bitnije da drugi korisnici imaju tu mogucnost,na jednom sajtu sam video opcije za uplojd muzike,video snimaka na isti sajt,kasnije imas mogucnost da iste postavljas u komentarima,kako to izvesti,vrlo mi je hitno!!!!!!....sve operacije,da pronadjem bilo sta,da dovucem,da konvertujem,radim bez problema,ali ovo mi zaista predstavlja problem,zato pomagajte ....
Dopuna: 22 Sep 2008 19:04
Instalirao sam plejer,ne radi (,pokusao sam sve,na pregledu poruke je sve u redu,plejer radi,kada poruku objavim dobijem poruku Get the Flash Player ili se nista ne dogadja,napomenuo sam da mi je bitnije da clanovi mogu da postavljaju muziku,interesuje me kako da dovucem pesmu sa nekog drugog sajta,recimo immem,ima li neko resenje???