Da kopiram text koji mi se cini bolji od m$:
Wow really?
Security: IE8 has the most security holes. ActiveX controls anyone?
Privacy: Chrome has incognito mode, but clearly Microsoft doesn't think that's worth anything
Ease of Use: Chrome has virtually no tool bar. At first I thought this would be bad, now I realize I had no use for it all along.
Web Standards: IE8 Gets a mark?
enough said.
Developer Tools: Come the ***** on, Chromes built in developer tools are 10x better, Firebug in FF is 20 times better.
Reliability: Chrome doesn't crash, so there's no need for reliability.
Customizability: I seriously had no ***** idea IE supported addons. Does it have adblock?
Compatibility: The only reason I see Microsoft giving themselves this one is "compatibility mode" aka "view page with MS Standards"
Manageability: Wait what?
Performance: Test it yourself ...
(Spoiler Alert: IE8 looses big time)