AVI ReComp

AVI ReComp

  • den78  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 1227
  • Gde živiš: Moe's Tavern

AVI ReComp v1.2.3



AVI ReComp vam omogućuje da rekompresirate AVI datoteke.
Koristi jedino XviD codec za proces rekompresije.
AVI ReComp moze biti veoma koristan onima koji zele da iščiste svoje Avi'je od GMC ili Qpel funkcija i da pripreme svoje klipove za standalone DVD playere. Program poseduje i mogucnost ugradjivanja tj. lepljenja titlova na video.
The program allows you to recompress your AVI files. Uses only XviD codec to recompression process. AVI ReComp can be very useful for users who want to clear their AVIs out of GMC or Qpel functions to prepare the clips for standalone DVD players. The program contains a feature of embedding subtitles into video.

05.11.2006 - 1.2.3
changed - XviD updated to version 1.1.2
fixed - compatibility with XviD 1.1.2

license: FREE

Dopuna: 18 Mar 2007 15:33

AVI ReComp v1.3.0

Download <7.42 MB>

- new option - audio converting feature
- new option - editing AviSynth scripts
- multiaudio support
- new warnings - XviD possibilities exceeded
- new hints for very long source and input paths
- new Bulgarian translation (thanks to bashman)

- AviSynth updated to version 2.5.7
- registry options storage rebuilt
- gui corrections and improvements
- improved checking new versions on startup
- some installer improvements and corrections
- log info improvements
- many source code changes and improvements
- from now video demuxing is performed before audio demuxing
- improved logging on exceptions
- improved audio bitrate averaging algorithm
- improved searching for XviD version
- translation guide updated
- from now tooltips are enabled by default
- improved handling errors and exceptions from VirtualDubMod and saving them to the log file
- VirtualDubMod errors do not break the queue now
- desktop alert is not movable now
- thanks and changelog are now displayed in the internal window
- removed useless question on closing program concerning removing aborted job from a queue
- when VDubMod was running ARC windows became inactive
- improved default ASS and SSA default style
- alert window from previous queue is now closed immediately after the next queue is started

- new AVI size was reseted after choosing a new language
- invalid final file size in a log file when a target size was very large
- some bugs in the log file when no-audio movie was processed
- SSA/ASS style name collision (all style name appearances were converted to 'AVIRC')

Dopuna: 30 Jan 2008 13:52

AVI ReComp v1.4.0

** 29.01.2008 - 1.4.0 **

- new Crop feature
- new interface images
- some new gui hints
- new temporary hints for too long subtitle and logo paths
- new 'Translators' button in About window
- added Aspect Ratio in the Resize Tools window
- new Portuguese translation (thanks to thiih_)
- new Russian translation (thanks to mitinka)
- new Hungarian translation (thanks to Pety)

- XviD updated to version 1.1.3
- VDubMod edit adjusted for very long paths
- improved loading files with right-click menu
- improved searching for VDubMod
- many minor gui adjustments and improvements

- corrected TabOrder in the Settings tab
- LanczosResize in avs scripts doubled in some cases
- no Unicode for resizing arrows hints
- remaining hints for very long input/output paths
- wrong AR keeping when resizing
- wrong resizing values - over max allowed width/height

..:: DOWNLOAD ::..

Dopuna: 24 Apr 2008 9:09

AVI ReComp v1.4.1

** 18.04.2008 - 1.4.1 **

- Lame encoder updated to version 3.98 beta 7
- Improved serching for third-party libraries in 64-bit systems
- Some changes and improvements in AVI ReComp installer
- Updated translations (Hungarian, Italian and Russian)
- Many source-code changes and improvements
- AVIReComp.exe can no longer be run from locations other than its installation directory
- Improved appearance of some messages and hints
- From now on the default new AVI size is 700 MB
- Icons and images improvements

- Temporary core generated files could not be saved causing resizing, cropping and preview problems (with regard to Vista UAC protection)
- Incorrect Save Dialog opened instead of Open Dialog window when trying to load a new source file (Vista)
- Wrong large file size calculation for XviD and for the log file
- Cropping bug after reopening Cropping Tools and clicking the Restore button
- AVI file association did not work at all under Vista because of Vista UAC restrictions
- Unexpected errors...


Dopuna: 04 Maj 2008 22:27

AVI ReComp v1.4.2

** 03.05.2008 - 1.4.2 **

- New built-in preview player.
- XviD updated to Koepi's build from 27.04.2008
- Lame encoder updated to version 3.98 beta 8.
- A Windows hint dialogue will now display if you hover your mouse over the desktop shortcut.
- If DivX is detected as the codec, ARC will no longer attempt to detect the version and will just display DivX.
- Cosmetic changes to the font and it's size in the changes section accessed from the About window.
- Increased width of the Changelog window.
- Cosmetic improvement to the ARC startmenu shortcut icon under Vista.

- The string "Thanks to all the translators!" accessed from the About window now appears in all languages.
- Protection against launching AVIReCompShell.exe manually. Especially with no command line parameters.
- More appropriate punctuation for changelog items.
- A problem whereby it was impossible to prevent the creation of the ARC desktop icon.


Dopuna: 22 Jan 2009 21:16

AVI ReComp v1.4.5 Portable by den78


AVI ReComp vam omogućuje da rekompresirate AVI datoteke.
Koristi jedino XviD codec za proces rekompresije.
AVI ReComp moze biti veoma koristan onima koji zele da iščiste svoje Avi'je od GMC ili Qpel funkcija i da pripreme svoje klipove za standalone DVD playere. Program poseduje i mogucnost ugradjivanja tj. lepljenja titlova na video.
The program allows you to recompress your AVI files. Uses only XviD codec to recompression process. AVI ReComp can be very useful for users who want to clear their AVIs out of GMC or Qpel functions to prepare the clips for standalone DVD players. The program contains a feature of embedding subtitles into video.

** 12.01.2009 - 1.4.5 **

- New audio resampling feature.
- Added Full Screen mode in ARC Player.
- Added a new "Log" tab for displaying the progress of the reencoding.
- Added new Desktop Alert settings (window transparency, duration).
- New option for displaying custom quantisation matrices.
- New module for checking available disc space.
- New "User Data" editor.
- Added new option for displaying VDubMod's windows.
- New Arabic translation (thanks to Ghada).

- Implemented automatic job renaming.
- Improved handling exceptions and errors on aborting jobs.
- Added some installer embellishments.
- Implemented new installers for Xvid and VobSub.
- Improved AviSynth installer.
- Added new info saved to log files (CPU, RAM, screen settings etc).
- Added warnings of editing video larger than the screen size.
- "Delete temporary files" option is now checked by default.
- Better Xvid version detection.
- Improved preview player's context menu.
- Added VobSub installation checkup.
- Added ffdshow installation checkup.
- Added warnings of closing VDubMod from the Task Manager.
- New "About..." window.
- Rearrangement of some GUI elements.
- Added some new icons and implemented some graphical improvements.
- Added some new balloon hints (tooltips).
- AviSynth updated to version 2.5.8 RC5.
- XviD updated to version 1.2.1
- Translation guides updated.
- Added special comments to all translation files.
- Many source code improvements.

- Remaining Desktop Notification after closing the program.
- Crash if VDubMod's location was changed after adding a job to the queue.
- Incorrect versions of third-party tools in the log file if those tools were reinstalled after adding a job to the queue.
- Remaining "Audio 1" and "Audio 2" buttons after adding a job to the queue with reset settings activated.
- Crash if one of the chosen paths exceeded the file system limits.
- Incorrect behaviour of some windows.

njoy Smile

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 2134

Napisano: 05 Feb 2011 19:39

AVI ReComp 1.5.2



Dopuna: 30 Apr 2011 18:40

AVI ReComp 1.5.3



  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

AVI ReComp 1.5.4

- New Spanish translation (thanks to Javier Tapia Torres from Spain).
- New Slovak translation (thanks to Stano Kobella from Slovakia).

- Xvid updated to version 1.3.2 final.
- LAME encoder updated to version 3.99.5
- Source code corrections and improvements.
- Our own Xvid installer replaced by the original installer provided by the Xvid Team.
- Due to implementation of Xvid external installer, codec's remnants cannot be removed now.
- Logo window rebuilt.
- Logo position and available values auto-adjusted to the video resolution.
- Logo times (start and duration) auto-adjusted to the movie's length.
- Help file updates and corrections (thanks to Javier Tapia Torres for help).

- Logo right alignment problem for HD video resolutions.
- Incorrect detection of video stream size in some circumstances.
- Wrong F1 Help content for some UI items.
- Incorrect detection of some decoding libraries (i.a. ffdshow).

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