Poslao: 17 Maj 2006 13:21
- den78

- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 07 Jul 2005
- Poruke: 1227
- Gde živiš: Moe's Tavern
Adobe Photoshop® CS2 9.0.1
Ovo je po mnogim ocenama najbolji program za obradu fotografijama. Sa njim možete izvršiti korekciju skeniranih slika ili fotografija napravljenih pomoću digitalnog fotoaparata.
U sebi poseduje ogroman broj alata sa kojima ćete svaki posao obaviti veoma efikasno. Jednostavno, u pitanju je program koji morate imati.
Adobe® Photoshop® CS2 software, the professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line, delivers more of what you crave. Groundbreaking creative tools help you achieve extraordinary results. Unprecedented adaptability lets you custom-fit Photoshop to the way you work. And with more efficient editing, processing, and file handling, there's no slowing you down.
Adobe Photoshop introduces the next generation of image editing with powerful new features that offer something for every user. Delivering the broadest and most productive toolset available, Photoshop helps you explore your creativity, work at peak efficiency, and achieve the highest quality results across all media.
* Professional toolset *
Create original images or modify photos using a full assortment of painting, drawing, and retouching tools.
- Improved File Browser. Quickly preview, tag, and sort images; search and edit metadata and keywords; and automatically share batches of files from the improved File Browser.
- Customized workspace. Work the way that's best for you by saving personalized workspace and tool settings and creating customized keyboard shortcuts.
- History palette. Experiment freely knowing you can instantly undo or redo multiple steps with the History palette.
- Filter Gallery. Browse Photoshop filters from the Filter Gallery, where you can preview stacked effects.
* Graphic design *
- Layers. Achieve sophisticated results by compositing images, text, and effects on hundreds of layers that you control by grouping into sets, color coding, and locking.
- Layer Comps. Create design variations for clients more efficiently by saving different combinations of layers within the same file as Layer Comps.
- Text on a path. Create eye-catching typography by placing text on paths or within shapes. Edit the text at any time, even in Adobe Illustrator® software.
- Artistic brushes. Simulate traditional fine-art techniques with dry and wet brush effects, pastel, charcoal, and more. Even use brushes to add special effects such as grass and leaves.
- Special effects filters. Easily experiment and achieve amazing results by accessing more than 95 special effects filters. Preview and apply more than one filter at a time with the new Filter Gallery.
* Photography *
- Color correction. Improve the color, contrast, and dynamic range of any image with a comprehensive set of professional color-correction tools.
- Healing Brush. Effortlessly remove dust, scratches, blemishes, wrinkles, and other flaws with the Healing Brush.
- Comprehensive 16-bit support. Perform more precise editing and retouching with expanded support for 16-bit images in core features, including layers, brushes, text, shapes, and more.
- Integrated digital camera raw file support. Get truer, higher quality output by working with the complete raw data files from most major digital camera models. Supported cameras.
- File Browser tagging. Protect your images by adding key copyright information in the editable metadata panel of the File Browser.
* Web production with ImageReady CS *
- Enhanced ImageReady user interface. Create and modify Web designs faster with multiple object selection, object grouping, and smart guides.
- Improved Photoshop integration. Enjoy quicker, more seamless integration between Photoshop and ImageReady, plus automated file saving and common commands, tools, and shortcuts.
- Image slicing. Slice complex, layered images and apply appropriate format and compression settings to each area before exporting as an HTML table.
- Variable data support. Easily import database and spreadsheet information to automate the production of Web graphics.
- Macromedia Flash file export. Use ImageReady CS to create Macromedia® Flash™ (SWF) animations, complete with vector artwork and variable text.
* Video *
- Non-square pixel support. Create and work with different aspect ratios to accommodate non-square pixels without distortion.
- Guide presets. Easily design using video-specific presets that show action-safe and title-safe areas of the screen.
- Enhanced 16-bit compositing. Perform more precise matte painting, 3D rendering, and other advanced film compositing with expanded support for 16-bit images in core features, including layers, brushes, and more.
- Layers-to-files export. Quickly integrate layered Photoshop artwork with a variety of video editing and compositing systems using the built-in Export Layers to Files command.
- Non-square pixel support. Instantly adjust your non-square pixel images with different aspect ratios.
- Flexible type. Increase your creative options by placing text on paths or within shapes.
- Dynamic levels. Track every change to your image in the new Histogram palette.
Top new features:
Upgrade to Adobe® Photoshop® CS2 software for even more of what you crave: more creative options, a more custom-fit Photoshop for the way you work, and more efficient file handling — including batch processing of your digital camera raw files. Stretch your imagination and let the ideas flow with new Photoshop CS2.
- Timesaving file handling with Adobe Bridge
- Revolutionary Vanishing Point
- Multiple layer control
- Smart Objects
- Multi-image digital camera raw file processing
- Image Warp
- Advanced noise reduction
- 32-bit High Dynamic Range (HDR) support
- Customizable workspaces and menus
- Spot Healing Brush
- One-click red-eye correction
Changes in Adobe Photoshop CS2 for Windows 9.0.1 Update:
- Photoshop no longer hangs for several seconds when using painting tools with quick strokes
- A runtime error that could appear when mousing over a high-res document with the Brush tool has been fixed
- Documents containing a large number of text layers now open more quickly
- Problems related to palettes (slow redraw, palettes go white, possible crash) have been addressed
- TIFF files from certain scanners can now be opened correctly
- After editing an image in Photoshop CS2 via the TouchUp tool in Adobe Acrobat software, the image no longer gets repositioned
- XMP metadata from AI and PDF files is now retained in Photoshop
- Slow performance when toggling layer visibility has been fixed
- Info palette numbers are now displayed and updated when moving a curve point in Curves via the cursor keys
- Problems opening certain TIFF and PSB files greater than 2GB have been resolved
- The Merge to HDR command now functions properly when using high-ASCII characters in user login
Homepage - http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/
Download (329 mb) - http://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/photoshop/win/cs2/Photoshop_CS2_tryout.zip
Update (11.9 mb)
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 19 Okt 2008 12:33
- Rogi

- Mod u pemziji
- Najbolji košarkaš koji
- je ikada igrao ovu igru
- Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
- Poruke: 11687
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS2 software, the professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line, delivers more of what you crave. Groundbreaking creative tools help you achieve extraordinary results. Unprecedented adaptability lets you custom-fit Photoshop to the way you work. And with more efficient editing, processing, and file handling, there's no slowing you down.
This tryout version is valid for 30 days usage.
Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Dopuna: 19 Okt 2008 12:33
Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create powerful images with the professional standard!
Adobe Photoshop - the essential software for perfecting your images, Adobe® Photoshop® CS4 now offers productivity and workflow enhancements, powerful new editing tools, and breakthrough compositing capabilities.
Adobe® Photoshop® CS4 software accelerates your path from imagination to imagery. Ideal for photographers, graphic designers, and web designers, the professional standard delivers new features such as automatic layer alignment and blending that enable advanced compositing. Live filters boost the comprehensive, nondestructive editing toolset for increased flexibility. And a streamlined interface and new timesaving tools make your work flow faster.
Adobe® Photoshop® CS4 software delivers all the features in Photoshop CS4, plus new features for working with 3D imagery, motion-based content, and advanced image analysis. If you work in film, video, multimedia, 3D, manufacturing, architecture, engineering, medicine, or science, Photoshop Extended is for you.
Adobe Photoshop CS4 software takes advantage of the latest graphics processing unit (GPU) hardware to deliver superior performance. The software offers a smooth pan and zoom experience that allows users to easily edit images at the highest magnification while maintaining clarity. The new Canvas Rotation tool makes it simple to rotate and work on an image from any angle. Photoshop CS4 helps keep work areas clutter-free with a new unified application frame, tab-based interface and self-adjusting panels that make it easy to quickly access advanced tools, and provide a more fluid way to interact with the application.
Adobe CS4 includes all the new features of Photoshop CS4 plus the ability to manipulate 3D imagery easier than ever before. Now, creativity knows no bounds, as users can paint directly on 3D models and surfaces, merge 2-D files onto 3D images and animate 3D objects. The 3D engine has been rebuilt from the ground up to provide faster performance, allow editing of properties like light and the ability to create more realistic renderings with a new high-quality ray-tracer. Video professionals have the ability to turn any 3D object into a video display zone and can animate 3D objects and properties with ease. In addition, the core motion graphics editing has been improved with more efficient single-key shortcuts.
Photoshop users may take a while to move to the new 64-bit version of Photoshop CS4, but it's an important development; meanwhile, CS4 offers plenty of other significant upgrades to keep 32-bit users happy.
Photoshop now comes in both 32- and 64-bit Windows Vista versions. The 64-bit edition will allow PCs with lots of RAM to work on very large images with less hard-disk swapping (ideally, no swapping at all), thus speeding up operations. With the shrinking amount of RAM available to modern PCs (due to a 4GB limit on 32-bit Windows versions and those operating systems' increasing hunger for RAM), that's a significant update.
Overall product features
• Revolutionary new features, a fluid user experience, and improved access to the unrivaled power of Photoshop
• A more intuitive user interface and new nondestructive editing features that put you in control, including the new Adjustments and Masks panels
• New and revolutionary Content-Aware Scaling, advanced auto-blending that extends depth of field, and industry-leading editing and compositing with reengineered color-correction tools
• Significant productivity enhancements that provide increased flexibility and enable you to leverage the power of today's faster graphics processors
• Breakthrough 3D editing and compositing capabilities and improved video controls to dramatically expand your creative options
• Comprehensive image analysis with enhanced measurement and counting tools, as well as support for DICOM images and MATLAB processing routines
New and enhanced features:
Unrivaled editing
• Adjustments panel for live, nondestructive image adjustment
• Masks panel for creating editable, feathered, density-controlled masks
• Content-Aware Scaling
• Enhanced auto-blending of images
• Enhanced auto-alignment of layers
• 360-degree panoramas
• Extended depth of field
• Better raw image processing
• Enhanced expert retouching
Increased productivity
• Smoother panning and zooming and fluid canvas rotation
• Industry-leading color correction with reengineered Dodge, Burn, and Sponge
• Efficient file management with new Adobe Bridge CS4
• Tighter integration with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom®
• Adobe Kuler™ for color harmony creation and sharing
• N-up and multiple document view
• More powerful printing options
• Superior performance on very large images
• Multi-Touch support on Mac laptops
• Adobe Community Help
Breakthrough 3D, motion graphics, and image analysis
• Direct painting on 3D objects
• Easy conversion from 2D to 3D
• Editable 3D properties (scene, materials, meshes, lights)
• High-quality output with new ray-tracing rendering engine
• 2D and 3D image compositing
• 3D object animation
• 3D/video support
• New, high-performance, nonmodal 3D engine
• Volume rendering
• Single-key shortcuts for editing motion graphics
• Preview and export of audio content and frame comments
• Quantitative data extraction
• Enhanced Count tool
Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Poslao: 19 Okt 2008 13:10
- m4rk0

- Administrator
- Administrator tech foruma
- Marko Vasić
- Gladijator - Maximus Decimus Meridius
- Pridružio: 14 Jan 2005
- Poruke: 15766
- Gde živiš: Majur (Colosseum)
Ako je neko vec testirao ovu CS4 verziju, neka javi impresije i da li je brza (pri startu, obradi slika i sl) od prethodnih verzija.
Poslao: 19 Okt 2008 19:13
- pixxel

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jun 2005
- Poruke: 9091
- Gde živiš: Tu i tamo...
Jako je troma, dok se ne startuje i ne ucita forntove (na c2d masini na poslu sa 4 giga rama i 3870 grafickom mu treba oko 1.5 minut da se skroz ucita. Dobro, mi imamo 3 milijarde fontova, ali opet...) Deluje generalno malo sporija u odnosu na cs3, mada nije toliko strasno. Kuci ne mogu da ga testiram, jer mi je i cs3 bio nocna mora, pa mogumisliti kakav ce biti cs4...
Poslao: 27 Nov 2008 22:34
- zeljko f

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Jul 2008
- Poruke: 4682
Imali jos gde da se skine trial cs4,svaki sajt vrsi redirekciju na maticni sajt, a tamo ne mogu da se registrujem da bi skinuo,non stop mi prijavljuje neku gresku u prijavi, probao sam 100 puta.
Dopuna: 27 Nov 2008 22:34
Uspeo sam nekako da se registrujem,i skinem photoshop.Posle milion pokusaja.
Poslao: 03 Dec 2008 22:47
- daniel83

- Stručni saradnik
- Pridružio: 05 Feb 2008
- Poruke: 2134
CS4 je kod mene brzi od CS3, i to na Athlon 2000+ koji radi na 1666Mhz i 1GB rama, ovaj komp koristim za fotoobradu kod kuce, plasio sam se da ce CS4 biti trom na njemu pa sam vec spremao lovu za nov komp...ali izdrzace jos CS4....
Od paketa instaliram samo Photosop, Bridge i Camera Raw....
Bridge komponenta je brza kod CS4 nego kod CS3, trom je samo prilikom prvog ucitavanja nakon instalacije..al kad se jednom smesti brze se dize..
izmene nisu u opste velike u slucaju samih opcija, cak su neke i izbacene....
izmene su vise na planu interfejsa i samom iskoriscenju racunara od strane photoshopa..
Hvale se vecom inteligencijom samih opcija a ti budi pametan pa utvrdi to..
Ubaceno je par opcija koje se i ne koriste bas tako cesto..
Sve u svemu korak napred je od CS3 a dali je isplativ prelazak na CS4, moj odgovor je ne...jednostavno nenudi dovoljno u odnosu na CS3,nista revolucionarno...CS3 je bio veci bum u odnosu na CS2 nego sto je CS4 u odnosu na CS3.
E sad zasto sam instalirao onda CS4, razlog je taj sto se komponenta namenjena za obradu RAW fotografija Adobe Camera Raw, koju je imao CS3 nemoze apdejtovati....a upravo je ta komponenta dozivela dobar napredak...apdejt ide samo do verzije 4.5 a trenutno aktuelna je 5.2 koju podrzava samo CS4....dakle marketinski trik da bi svi profi fotografi presli na CS4
Za one koji neznaju,komponenta photoshopa Adobe Camera Raw je isto sto i zasebna aplikacija Adobe Lightroom 2, ona je namenjena za obradu i konverziju RAW formata u neki prepoznatljiv photoshopu,posto sam photoshop ne podrzava raw format
3D oblast neznam i nekoristim ..tako da napredak u istoj mi nije poznat