BeatCreator 3.3 & BeatQuantizer 1.5

BeatCreator 3.3 & BeatQuantizer 1.5

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja


BeatCreator is the big brother of BeatSlicer. Just like BeatSlicer it can slice up and create rhytmic loops from any sample but it also allows you to mangle the slices as you like.

It provides state of the art time stretchers, capable of stretching any type of sample while preserving audio quality.

demo verzija:

BeatQuantizer is a single and multitrack rhythm analysis and conforming software, designed to tighten the performance of drums and other instruments with well-defined transients.

State of the art time stretchers and clever XF

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