CD Catalog Expert v9.23.7.1025
napravite image svih vasih cd/dvd-ova i brzo i na lak nacin nadjite (preko opcije SEARCH) svoj omiljeni program, igricu, pesmu itd.
CD Catalog Expert is a cataloging tool for organizing all kinds of your media collection, including files, folders, CD/DVDs, Movies, MP3s, hard disks, network drives and multifarious removable disks, etc. It helps you to easily view and find all necessary files, folders and disks without inserting any disc. Easy to use and familiar Explorer-like user interface with reasonable default settings allows beginners start their cataloguing at once. And power users may use advanced features and options to do more. The hierarchical categories, descriptions for every file, folder or disc, extensive search capabilities, combined with powerful report generator and convenient favorites manager, all that should bring you the ultimate tool to handle your media collection.
CD Catalog Expert Features:
Suitable for beginners and advanced users
• Many useful features and options for power users, as well as easy to use with default settings for all those who want to one-click for all things.
Extensive media and file system support
• CD Catalog Expert supports any media type Windows can use, including CD/DVD-ROMs, hard disks, network drives, removable disks like iomega Zip and Jaz, etc. Also, it is compatible with all Windows-supported file systems, including FAT, FAT32, CDFS and NTFS.
Powerful searching finds what you need
• Powerful searching with detailed settings on what to search for, where to search and how to search. General "?" and "*" wildcards and multiple filters are all supported.
Manageable catalog files
• All data, including the hierarchical categories and disc contents are stored in one single catalog file which can easily be transferred to another computer, a friend, a public forum... Internal database structure optimized for very efficient access and small total size. Single-file, small size transferable catalog storage makes sharing your data easy.
Various exporting formats
• Adjustable and professional report generator adds a final touch to your catalog collections. It allows you export one or all of your discs to table structure HTML, tree view HTML, XML or plain text files. So you can share these readable files to your friends who have no CD Catalog Expert.
• ... and many, many more!
What's New Version
! Some minor bugs fixed.
License: 30 days trial, 29.95 $
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