SchoolDays- School Calendar Software

SchoolDays- School Calendar Software

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

Calendar Features
SchoolDays offers many standard calendar features, as well as advanced features to help you manage your events, and communicate with others. Below is a list of some of the features that SchoolDays has to offer. See what's new in SchoolDays v1.2!
Web-Based Calendar System:

SchoolDays is a web-based calendar program that allows you to easily publish calendars online. You can even add your own custom logo to your SchoolDays calendars!
Multiple Calendar Views:

Browse your calendars by day, week, month, year or list view. The Summary page is also available to help walk you through your day.
Public & Private Calendars:

Calendars may be left "public" to allow access to others or "private" to limit access to yourself. Public calendars may be available to registered or unregistered users, but access to your private calendar always requires your username and password.
Unlimited Public & Guest Access:

There's no limit to the number of visitors that can access your calendars.
Add Events Easily:

Adding events to your calendars is simple, as is editing and removing them! When working with events you are able to:
Plug in the basics (event title, description, date, start/end time, location, etc.)
Associate a URL with the event
Set an Event Alert
Automatically link to a map and driving directions
Attache a file
Invite participants
Set event recurrance
Calendar Sharing:

Share your public calendars with others using RSS (Really Simple Syndication) or Apple iCal. RSS is a format for syndicating news and other content to desktop and website feed readers. Current users of the Apple iCal program have the ability to continuously sync their SchoolDays calendars to iCal.

With RSS and Apple iCal support, you get receive the latest calendar updates straight to your desktop or website.
Easy Import & Export:

Import calendar data to/from your SchoolDays calendars with Microsoft Outlook, Palm Desktop, Apple iCal, and more.
Event Search:

Search a single calendar or all calendars for the event you're trying to find. Using the advanced search, you can also search date ranges and recently modified events.

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