Sqirlz Morph-free

Sqirlz Morph-free

  • Pridružio: 10 Nov 2005
  • Poruke: 293
  • Gde živiš: `grad u kome je glupo voziti skejt`

Morph two, three or more images together. Try morphing all the family's faces into one unique (or gruesome) movie! Save your animation as a Flash movie, AVI video clip, or bitmap/jpeg files. You place special control points over important features on each of the images, and the program then distorts each image so that the chosen features are matched. The distorted images are also mixed together into a single 'morphed' image which is animated to show different proportions of distortion and mixing
Twisted Evil jako zanimljivo i prosto...avi...swf...gif...zabavljajte se Razz

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