USB PC Lock Pro

USB PC Lock Pro

  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 968
  • Gde živiš: Skopje

Zakljucajte PC USB stikom Wink

Most of us are using USB drives these days, coz they are so helpful to carry our data with us. But now you can also Lock your computer with your USB drive. USB PC Lock Pro Turns any USB Flash Drive into a key that prevents unauthorized people from using your computer. USB PC Lock will automatically lock your computer and perform other actions when you step away from it.


1. Lock worksation when you step away.
2. Lock MSN Messenger.
3. Stop streaming media traffic.
4. Mute audio.
5. Start/Stop event logger.
6. Start/Stop batch.

USB PC Lock Pro is completely free and for Windows only. It needs to be installed on the computer that you want to use it on, and not on the USB drive itself.

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