Ultimate Windows Tweaker

Ultimate Windows Tweaker

  • Dok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • - Dok Milioner -
  • - Profesionalni Vanzemaljac -
  • Pridružio: 01 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 4703
  • Gde živiš: Tamo gde mi nije mesto.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 1.0

Nov,besplatni alat za optimizaciju i prilagodjavanje Windows Viste.
Tezak je svega oko 370 KB a poseduje preko 130 razlicitih podesavanja Registry-u.
Alat je svakako praktican i ne zahteva instalaciju.

Glavne Karakteristike:

Ultimate Windows Tweaker has over 130 tweaks.
These have been categorized under seven heads and can be accessed through a common interface, just like your Windows Vista Control Panel.

* Personalization
* User Accounts & UAC
* System & Performance
* Security
* Internet Explorer (IE7 / IE8-)
* Network Optimization
* Additional Options

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 1.0b

-Izmene nedostupne

Download: http://www.winvistaclub.com/Ultimate_Windows_Tweaker.html

  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 2134

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2 je besplatna portable alatka za tweik Windows 7 i Viste velicine 400KB

To su neka osnovna podesavanja koja se mogu naci i u samom operativnom sistemu samo sto su razbacana a ovde je sve na gomili....doduse nema toliko podesavanja kao u komercijalnim softverskim resenjima ali sasvim dovoljno za podesavanje nekih osnova


  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 15879
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Interesuje me jedna stvar, u ovoj verziji 2, sadasnja je 2.2, konkretno ovaj prozor

Da li ce ove stvari raditi na Administratorskom nalogu, a ne na Limited?

  • magna86  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
  • Pridružio: 21 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 6104

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3.0 (Windows 8 i Windows 8.1).

Korisnici Windows 7/Vista bi trebali da koriste Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2, no korisnici Windows 8 /8.1 sistema a ljubitelji ovog programa sada mogu da budu srecni jer freeware UWT 3.0 sada dostupan za download. UWT3 je tezak svega ~340 kb, poseduje oko 170 razlicitih twikova, kao i nekolicinu dodatnih samo za 8.1 sisteme. Svaka opcija poseduje "tips" koji u kratkim crtama opisuje sta odredjena opcija izvrsava.

Utility Info:
Citat:System Information
When you open UWT you will get to see some basic information about your system like Operating system version, Build, System Type, Processor, Installed RAM, Computer name, User name and the Windows Experience Index or the WEI Score even in Windows 8.1! You also have a button that let you quickly open Recovery Options if you need to restore your computer to some system restore point, and a button that lets you run the System File Checker with a click, so that you can check your system files and replace the corrupted or modified one’s with the default files.

Under this category you will be able to tweaks settings of your Taskbar, Thumbnails, File Explorer and the Modern or Metro UI. Some additional tweaks are also offered in a separate tab. Under the Modern UI tab, you will see some cool animation tweaks too.

User Accounts
Under the User Accounts tab, you will be able to change your User Account settings, Logon information and sign in options. You can also change the User Account Control settings here.

Performance tweaks
The Performance tab offers tweaks to optimize Windows 8.1 to best suit your requirements. While most of these settings are best left at their default values, this panel gives you quick access to change them, should you wish to. Just make sure that you know, what you are doing, and don’ t tweak for the sake of tweaking.

Security tweaks
Harden your Windows 8.1 by changing some settings. If you want to restrict access to some Control Panel applets or to some Windows feature, these tweaks will allow you to do so easily.

Internet Explorer tweaks
Tweak your Internet Explorer 10 or Internet Explorer 11 when you open this section. Tweak IE’s appearance and behavior. There are really nice tweaks here that will allow you to control the behavior of Internet Explorer.

Additional system tweaks
Under this category, you will see some additional system and Network tweaks. You can also set UWT to behave the way you want it too. By default, when you apply a tweak and click Apply, UWT 3 will automatically restart explorer.exe to apply the tweak. Change its behavior if you wish.

About tab
Here apart from the License Agreement, you will see some useful links. If you need to submit bugs, visit the About page and use the Submit Bugs link. If you need support, you can use the Support link or visit our TWC Forum. Clicking on the Check for Update button will inform you if any updates are available. You can then visit the home page to download the latest version.

Tweaks available:
+ Tweaks available in Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Windows 8.1



Direct link:

Officijal site i vise informacija na thewindowsclub.com

  • Dok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • - Dok Milioner -
  • - Profesionalni Vanzemaljac -
  • Pridružio: 01 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 4703
  • Gde živiš: Tamo gde mi nije mesto.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker

- Novosti & Ispravke -

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