Ja našao za sada dva rešenja. Prvo ću da citiram pa:
Citat:I have the solution and i will explain what is making the old opengl games slowdown..
Its how windows 7 determine and aply the visual window decoration.
he problem is in the "Desktop Composition".
Just disable it pressing righ click on exec for your game, propreties and then click on the compatibility tab. Disable the desktop composition and aply the changes.
Now try your game.
Here it works fine for couonter strike 1.6 and urban terror.
My FPS is up and fixed.
A za drugoevo link, dakle, idi do dole na strani, trebaće ti i Riva tuner za to, imaju dve slikice onako slikovito ....
Probaj pa vidi da li nešto od ovoga pomogne.