Pozdrav svima i molim za resenje ako ga ima! Da vam ne bih objasnjavao moj problem je sledeci:
Nasao sam taj UserLexicons ali nisam siguran da li treba da ga izbrisem?!
Takodje sam nasao i neko drugo resenje koje je kao bolje i brze:
Citat:Click 'START', then 'Run', then in the box after "OPEN:" type "regedit" without the quotation marks. Hit 'OK'.
This brings you to the registry. Click the '+' button to the left of 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' to open it. Go down to 'Software' and do the same. Find 'Microsoft' and open it the same way. Find 'Speech'. Open it. Find 'RecoProfiles'. Click directly on it and check the window at the right under the 'Data' column. If, in the following string 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\RecoProfiles\Tokens\{28C50
78D-1BED-4471-B22E-6EFA5A1CAA20}' the first two letters 'HK' aren't showing (instead exhibiting something else, i.e. a corruption) then you have this problem.
To solve your problem replace the first two corrupt characters with 'HK'. Then exit the registry by closing it. Your speech engine should now work
Nasao sam i ovo ali ovi brojevi kod mene uopste nisu isti:
I sta da ja na kraju radim? MOLIM VAS POMOZITE MI, NERVIRA ME OVO JAKO!