Napisano: 24 Dec 2009 18:03
Imam problem na sveze instaliranoj 7-ici. Naime, sistem (tacnije Explorer) mi ne prikazuje D:\ particiju. Kada udjem u Disk Managment, particija postoji sa sve podataka na njoj, ali u My Computer-u nije prikazana. Pre 7 sam imao instaliran XP, i Ubuntu preko Wubi-ja, i sada kada startujem laptop boot loader mi nudi sledece opcije: "Earlier version of Windows" , "Windows 7" i "Ubuntu". U pitanju je laptop Toshiba L300-2CE i Windows 7 64bit. Tokom instalacije ( iz dva pokusaja) sam C:\ particiju formatirao a ne brisao pa ponovo kreirao, ako me razumete sta hocu da kazem.
Sta mi predlazete da radim, jer ne znam kako na Googlu da trazim resenje, ne znam sta da kucam?
Dopuna: 24 Dec 2009 19:02
Resio sam problem, trebalo je samo particiji odrediti putanju, naime, zamenjeno joj je slovo, "ukrao" joj je CD/DVD drajv. Evo resenja koje je meni pomoglo.
The following steps have to be underwent if any partition not showing up after installing windows 7:
•Press on the key for Windows. Here type diskmgmt.msc and then, hit enter. Now, here the interface for DISK MANAGEMENT will open, where you will find the list partitions in the hard drives. Now, the drive letter has to be searched for that is missing.
•Select the drive that was missing and then, right click on it.
•In the context menu, the drive letter has to be changed and the path has to be selected.Now, you will find an ADD button in the next menu. Click on it and select a letter for the drive in the drop-down menu.
•Lastly, click on OK and you will find the drive back that was missing.