Kolko znam taj .dmg fajl je fajl za mack osx, i dzabe ti ako ga otpakujes nemozes da ga koristis, na widows xp-u.
Probaj magic iso , program.
Dopuna: 11 Jun 2008 13:22
Ako nece magic iso da otvori taj fajl onda uradi sledece:
Citat:Ok. I have spent over a week trying to work this one out, and EUREKA! I've FOUND IT!
So many have said it cannot be done. but it CAN.
Ok. Here's how to open a .DMG file on a pc to access the files.
First, download DMG2ISO
The run the file DMG2ISO shell, and select yoru .dmg file. Then name your output file and convert.
Then.... download daemon tools
install it, and in the bottom right corner (running tasks) left click on it's icon, and select drive 0, and then find yoru NEW converted image (it will now be a .iso image since you converted it from .dmg to .iso).
NOW, you should see when you click 'my computer' a cd/dvd drive with the name of the file, like there was a cd/dvd in your machine (of course it is a virtual drive).
Now.... download Macdrive.
After installing Macdrive, you will be able to select VIEW MAC DISKS IN MY COMPUTER! And of course you have a virtual disc in your pc, which you get full access to!
Now just view all the files, and copy, and paste them to a new regular windows folder, or burn them straight to a cd/dvd and you're good to go! (I think you'll have to burn them straight to a dvd or cd in order for a mac to read them, but mac drive has this 'mac cd dvd' facility too!
Smile. I had to spread this news as it took hours and hours of research to get this far, and I feel it is beneficial to the computing community.
Ako ti treba prevod kazi nije mi problem da ti prevedem nesto.