Napisano: 25 Jun 2010 11:36
Probaj ovo:
Citat:This problem seems to be related to a bug in the task scheduler. Here's how I fixed it in my system:
Start task scheduler (Administrative tools) and select View -> Show hidden tasks.
Go to Task Scheduler Library/Microsoft/Windows/TextServicesFramework, where you should find a task named MsCtfMonitor. This task should run at user logon, so check the history tab looking for any errors. If you run this task manually you'll probably get the language bar back until you log off.
If everything seems ok but still no language bar after a reboot, then start regedit and go to HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Schedule/TaskCache/Logon. Under this key is a set of GUIDs that should correspond to existing tasks under the key HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Schedule/TaskCache/Tasks. On my system there were a few keys that did not have corresponding values under tasks. Backup the key, remove any bad entries, then reboot.
My guess is that the scheduler finds a bad task key at logon and stops without running any remaining tasks.
I hope this helps...
Ovo je doduše rešenje za Vistu, ali ne košta da probaš.
Dopuna: 25 Jun 2010 11:45
Možda je glupo, ali proveri kao je podešeno da se vidi Language bar: