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Citat:From: Emory on 04/24/2003
I think I solved the RUNDLL32.EXE APPLICATION ERROR problem. Here's what I did: 1) When the error message appeared I pressed Ctrl + Alt + Delete to make the Windows Task Manager dialogue box appear; 2)In the WTM dialogue box I clicked the "Applications" tab...there was the RUNDLL32.EXE error message. I right-clicked the error message and chose "go to process"; this flipped me back to the process list to a process named "CSRSS.EXE"; 3) Then I right-clicked the "Start" tab at the lower left of the screen and chose "search"; I searched "CSRSS.EXE" in "My Computer" and found three matching files; 4) Only one of the files was actually the complete name, the other two were just "CSRSS" without the ".EXE"; 5) I right-clicked the "CSRSS.EXE" file and chose "open containing folder"; this took me to the "Prefetch" folder; 6) I removed the prefetch file, "CSRSS.EXE", put it in the trash and restarted the computer.