Počinje mi sada predstava, kad se završi postovaću i verziju na engleskom. Glupost je univerzalna, red je da dobije zaslužen domen...
Dopuna: 26 Okt 2006 21:57
1. Think-it doesn't hurt to do so.
2. Always listen, even if You don't feel like listening.
3. Speak only when You have something to say.
4. The smarter one gives in. Yeah, right! (oprem)-if the smarter one gives in, the fool is right.
5. Never argue with a fool...people may not notice the diference between the two of you.
6. Being stupid doesn't hurt.
Symptoms are being manifested without previous warning.
7.You can neither practise nor learn to be stupid.
8. Ther's no such a stupid study so that nobody would present it.
9. A fool can be born, but even more so, it can be created, with a lot of
hard work.
10.Two things are endless:Cosmos and Stupidity. The thing about Space is
not proved yet.
Instruction: Read this (at least) once a day.