"Halo, treba mi Buš"


"Halo, treba mi Buš"

  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 1190
  • Gde živiš: Ispod nivoa mora

Mladic sa Islanda, Vífill Atlason sa 16 godina, je uspeo da pozove tajni broj Dzordza Busa predstavljajuci se kao predsednik Islanda. Samog Busa nije dobio, ali jeste njegovu sekretaricu koja ga je obavestila da gospodin Bus nije tu i da ce ga pozvati kada bude mogao. Tokom razgovora, mladic je morao da odgovora na razna sigurnosna pitanja kao dan rodjenja islandskog predsednika. Vífill je za vreme "kviza" koristio Wikipediu koja mu je ocigledno pomogla jer ga je sekretarica obavestila da ce ga Bus pozvati u ponedaljak.
Obavestana sluzba je nakako doznala da nesto nije u redu i obavestila islandsku policiju koja ga je privela. Na saslusanju je Vífill rekao da je telrfon dobio davno od njegovog tada dvanaestogodisnjeg druga. Vífill je inace zitelj ribarskog sela.

Ko zeli moze da isproba da li je broj tacan. U pitanju je 202-456-1414 Laughing

Ceo clanak na engleskom.

When Vífill Atlason, a 16-year-old high school student from Iceland, decided to call the White House, he could not imagine the kind of publicity it would bring.

Introducing himself as Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, the actual president of Iceland, Atlason found what he believed to be President George W. Bush's allegedly secret telephone number and phoned, requesting a private meeting with him.

"I just wanted to talk to him, have a chat, invite him to Iceland and see what he'd say," Vífill told ABC News.

A White House spokeswoman Emily Lawrimore insisted to ABC News that the young man did not dial the private number but instead dialled 202-456-1414, the main switchboard for the West Wing. But that was not the case. The student gave ABC News the number. It is indeed an extention off the White House switchboard and goes to a security command post office in the building next door to the White House.

Vífill's mother, Harpa Hreinsdottir, a teacher at the local high school, said her son did, in fact, get through to a private phone.

"This was not a switchboard number of any kind," she told ABC News, "it was a secret number at the highest security level."

Vífill claims he was passed on to several people, each of them quizzing him on President Grímsson's date of birth, where he grew up, who his parents were and the date he entered office.

"It was like passing through checkpoints," he said. "But I had Wikipedia and a few other sites open, so it was not so difficult really."

When he finally got through to President Bush's secretary, Vífill alleges he was told to expect a call back from Bush.

"She told me the president was not available at the time, but that she would mark it in his schedule to call me back on Monday evening," he said.

Instead, the police showed up at his home in Akranes, a fishing town about 48 kilometers from Reykjavik, and took him to the local police station, where they questioned the 16-year-old for several hours.

"The police chief said they were under orders from U.S. officials to "find the leak" -- that I had to tell them where I had found the number," he said. "Otherwise, I would be banned from ever entering the United States."

Vífill claims he cannot remember where he got the number.

Atlason's mother Harpa, who was not home at the time, said she was shocked to find her son had been taken away by the police but could not quite bring herself to be angry with her son.

"He's very resourceful you know," she said. "He has become a bit of a hero in Iceland. Bush is very unpopular here."

Vífill was eventually released into his parent's custody, and no charges have been brought against the high school student.

When ABC verified the number, it was the Secret Service Uniform Division, which handles security for the president.

"If the number were not top secret, why would the police have told me that I will be put on a no-fly list to America?" Vífill asked.

"I don't see how calling the White House is a crime," he added. "But obviously, they took it very seriously."

The Secret Service told ABC News this was not its investigation.


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 05 Maj 2006
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Nešto baš ne bih da mi robokapovi zakucaju (čitaj: provale) na vrata! Cool

  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 1190
  • Gde živiš: Ispod nivoa mora

On se predstavio kao Islandski predsednik. Ti bi trebao da se predstavis kao Predsednik Tadic ili Premijer Kostunica.
Mogu da zamislim razgovor u slucaju da ga dobijes na liniju.

Boris: Hy, I would like to speak with Mr. Bush please.
Sekretarica: Your name?
Boris: President Tadic from Serbia.
sekretarica: OK wait for a moment please.
(odgovoris na pitanja naravno)
Dolazi Bush na liniju...
Bus: Hy BORIS, spasiba. Sto Delajet?
Tadic: Well I'm BORIS TADIC. From Serbia. You know. S-E-R-B-I-A. we speak Serbian.
Bus: Oh ok...Whatever...(man this Serbians wont leave me alone, getting me crazy.)

  • real 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 25 Nov 2004
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Zamislite to poniženje ako je stvarno istina, da predsednika neke države ispituje neka sekretarica da bi utvrdila njegov identitet.

  • Civil Works Team Leader @ IKEA Centres Russia
  • Pridružio: 22 Jun 2005
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real ::Zamislite to poniženje ako je stvarno istina, da predsednika neke države ispituje neka sekretarica da bi utvrdila njegov identitet.

Po meni ovo je potpuno normalno, jer verujem da pravi predsednici drzava "gospodina" Busha mladjeg ne zovu na taj broj, vec onaj koji im je urucen.

A klincu zaista svaka cast na smelosti Smile

  • pixxel  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Jun 2005
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Ja verujem da predsednik neke drzave ni lud nece pozvati predsednika druge direktno, vec ce to uciniti neko za njega (recimo njegova sekretarica...)
A sto se broja gore tice, jel' stvarno mislite da ga do sada nisu promenili???

  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 1190
  • Gde živiš: Ispod nivoa mora

pixxel ::Ja verujem da predsednik neke drzave ni lud nece pozvati predsednika druge direktno, vec ce to uciniti neko za njega (recimo njegova sekretarica...)
A sto se broja gore tice, jel' stvarno mislite da ga do sada nisu promenili???

Pozovi pa proveri Razz

  • RJ 
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  • Gavrilo Milentijević
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  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
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Gledao sam na TV ovo i nisam mogao da verujem - bio je i taj momak, sasvim običan lik tinejdžer. Rekoh, brate svaka ti čast - imaš m... ko u vola Smile

  • Pridružio: 05 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 568

Morskisrle ::On se predstavio kao Islandski predsednik. Ti bi trebao da se predstavis kao Predsednik Tadic ili Premijer Kostunica.
Mogu da zamislim razgovor u slucaju da ga dobijes na liniju.

Problem je u tome što sam ja žensko Bebee Dol Ne verujem da bih baš toliko uspela da mutiram Mr. Green

  • ZoNi  Male
  • Free Your Mind!
  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 5757
  • Gde živiš: Singidunum

Svaka čast mladom Vikingu! Very Happy

btw, neka neko doda Š u naslov, mislio sam da neko zove autoBUSku stanicu kad sam video naslov Wink

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