Poslao: 10 Maj 2011 19:22
- bocke
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator Linux foruma
- Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 12533
- Gde živiš: Južni pol
- 20Ovo se svidja korisnicima: FarscapeFan, KlinkaPalacinka, Tamtitam, ThePhilosopher, mcrule, m4rk0, DjomlaBG, BlackStena, CyberSrbin032, NIx Car, MareBG2, mpman, kostic.dk, Dusan, BlekMen2, E.L.I.T.E., cika_cajko, Kule, vinted, Bane san
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
Kad smo već kod broja 11. Ti se se registrovao na MyCity 07.01.2005. Pazi sad ovo:
Naravno, 11. Slučajnost?
Poslao: 10 Maj 2011 19:23
- Acid_Burn
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator foruma Zabava
- Hellraiser
- Demon to some. Angel to others
- Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
- Poruke: 25503
- Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky
bocke ::Kad smo već kod broja 11. Ti se se registrovao na MyCity 07.01.2005. Pazi sad ovo:
Naravno, 11. Slučajnost?
Poslao: 10 Maj 2011 19:47
- Acid_Burn
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator foruma Zabava
- Hellraiser
- Demon to some. Angel to others
- Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
- Poruke: 25503
- Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky
Evo još malo zanimljivih podudaranja
-Wall Street Crash "Black Tuesday": October 29, 1929 (29/29 ... 2+9 = 11 ... 11/11)
-Chile Earthquake: February 27, 2010 (2+2+7 = 11)
-1972 Munich Olympics: Terroist group "Black September" kills 11 Israeli athletes
-JFK assassination: November 22, 1963 (11/22 ... 11+22 = 33), Dallas, Texas located on 33rd degree parallel
-33rd degree highest rank in Freemasonry (33/3 = 11)
-Apollo 11: July 16, 1969 (7/(1+6) = 7/7, 77/7 = 11) First [public] mission that man steps on the moon
-The approximate periodicity of a sunspot cycle is 11 years
-World War I ended with an Armistice on November 11, 1918 (11/11), which went into effect at 11:00 am-the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of the year.
-WWII D-Day: June 6, 1944 (6/6, 4/4, 66/6 = 11, 44/4 = 11)
Ovo me podseća na onu rečenicu Henrija Kisindžera
"Even a paranoid man has some real enemies.
Nadjoh i ovo: (mada koliko vidih ovo je samo hoax)
1. Highlight the Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers. (pravi broj leta je bio N334AA)
2. Change the font size to 48.
4. Change the actual font to the WINGDINGS
Dobijate ovo:
Poslao: 10 Maj 2011 20:14
- x-Death-x
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 12 Avg 2008
- Poruke: 708
- Gde živiš: Bogu iza tregera!
Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
Poruke: >>8120<<
Gde živiš: Beograd
Bocke, stvarno si u pravu...
I ti si mi nesto cudan??