Urban dictionary

Urban dictionary

  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2007
  • Poruke: 72
  • Gde živiš: Pancevo

p diddy
a used-to-be alright rappper who now strives on remixes and politics

p diddy: haven't you heard of my campaign "Vote or Die"
stan: what the hell does that even mean?
p diddy: -pulls out a gun- what do you think it means, bitch?

Jenny from da block.She lived in South Bronx wit that fat peice of shit,COOK KRACK AKA Fat Joe.

im still im still jenny from the block-J-Lo

Paris Hilton
Like Kansas, flat, white and easy to enter
The #1 coin collection by Conan O'Brien

Economist: What goes up must come down.
as to
Paris Hilton: I must go down on what comes up.' --the Cone Zone

avril lavigne

A singer that is so talented and clever, that she has the ability to rhyme "home" with "home."

Avril Lavigne: "She want's to go home, but nobody's home."

Great job Avril, great job

Ove i ostale ludosti urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Avril+Lavigne Mr. Green

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