Intel chopper from OCC

Intel chopper from OCC

  • Pridružio: 05 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 133

Intel and Orange County Choppers* (OCC) Teamed up and creted one of the meanest bikes ever built.
This Chopper has a four cylinder dual V-twin motors compined with Intel® quad-core processors enable a new level of performance.
The Chopper’s central management console is controlled through the SwitchBack* PC, the world’s first rugged, ultra-mobile personal computer (UMPC) from Black Diamond Advanced Technology*, an Intel® Communications Alliance (ICA) member, featuring Intel® Celeron® processor platform technology. A kind of a tablet Pc it can be de-attached from the chopper and used as a all different computer tablet.
This chopper has no rear view mirrors, replacing this are 2 cameras which give the video out in the central controller.
No Worries If you loose the keys, Because this chopper really has no keys. All you have to do to start the machine is just put your thumb on the finger print reader and the beast will start.

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

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  • PHP programer
  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2007
  • Poruke: 1064
  • Gde živiš: u Apache

Opasno dobra machine nevidjenog dizajna.Uglavnom sam ispratio ceo serijal OCC,(a gledao sam i epizodu kad su pravili doticni) i bio odusevljen svim tim kreacijama.Takav motor+Quadcore je vraski dobra kombinacija i jos su ga istripovali da se pali na fingerprince.Jedina mana mu je ako se zaigras u toku voznje(PC igrice),mozes da popijes prvu sledecu banderu...xexe LOL

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