Nova varijanta Zeus-a, popularnog trojanca, nadjena od strane Avira-e tj. njenih istrazivaca je digitalno potpisana sertifikatom bas te kompanije tj. tako izgleda na prvi pogled.
Inace, to nije nista novo kad je u pitanju ovaj trojanac. Relativno skoro je pronadjena i varijanta koja je bila "potpisana" od strane Kaspersky kompanije: LINK
Na slici se lepo vidi da, ipak, sertifikat nije pouzdan.
Citat:"Microsoft Windows shows a note 'A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider'," points out the researcher. "Don’t misunderstand that message – it means that this certificate is not created by Avira GmbH and therefore it’s not a stolen certificate."
Citat:This is not the first time that a Zeus variant has been discovered hiding behind a seemingly legitimate digital certificate - last time, Zeus peddlers used the digital signature for a Kaspersky tool designed to clean computers from precisely that Trojan family.
Izvor: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]