Hakeri napali više od 500.000 veb lokacija širom sveta

Hakeri napali više od 500.000 veb lokacija širom sveta

  • MRKY 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2004
  • Poruke: 2138

Neimenovani hakeri su ove sedmice napali i ugrozili više od pola miliona veb lokacija širom sveta, objavila je međunarodna antivirusna kompanija „TrendMajkro”.

Broj napadnutih lokacija se, prema rečima stručnjaka kompanije „TrendMajkro”, povećava velikom brzinom, a napadači pokušavaju da zaraze računare posetilaca napadnutih lokacija. Posetioci napadnutih lokacija se preusmeravaju na nekoliko hakerskih servera uzastopno.
Zlonamerni softver, koji se krije na poslednjem serveru u nizu, ispituje da li je korisnik računara ažurirao svoj softver, odnosno instalirao softverske zakrpe koje otklanjaju bezbednosne propuste na primer u korisničkom programu „Internet eksplorer” ili „RilPlejeru” , besplatnom programu za reprodukovanje audio i video sadržaja preko Interneta u realnom vremenu.
Ukoliko korisnik računara to nije učinio, zlonamerni softver zloupotrebljava pomenute propuste i „inficira” napadnuti računar.

Izvor http://www.blic.rs/

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • DEMIAN  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • IT Manager
  • Pridružio: 25 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 3706
  • Gde živiš: The darkest place on earth..

Koliko čitam radi se o još jednom talasu Zlob trojana. Evo malo i dodatnog info-a sa softpedie.

Citat:The malicious script, dubbed JS_SMALL.QT, has been found by Ivan Macalintal, Advanced Threats Research Program Manager, in various websites. These sites are believed to use poor implementations of phpBB or are using older versions, which have known exploits. These infections are said to have been noticed since early February this year. Website owners are encouraged to verify their phpBB implementations or to upgrade the specified application to a more "bug-free" version.

It appears that the working method for this Trojan horse is similar to what the experts at TrendLabs have previously seen evolving on the web. Compromised websites redirect the users to a series of other sites, which ultimately ends with them downloading the malware. At the end of the trace is the TROJ_ZLOB.CCW Trojan horse, which poses as a video codec installer. The false codec advertises itself as the only means of viewing a free (zabranjeno) movie.

The malware is reported to be hosted on servers from Columbus (OH), Concord (CA) and Moscow. This is virtually making this attack the potential work of a Russian/Ukranian criminal gang known for initiating previous ZBLOB attacks.

[/b]After downloading the codecs, users are left with a number of detected Trojan horses that are known for changing the victims' local DNS and Internet browser settings, thus making the system vulnerable to even more potential threats. Users of Trend Micro Web Threat Protection application are said to be protected by the malicious URLs.[/b]


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