Sa onog linka ga je nemoguce vise skinuti zbog preopterecenosti servera.
Zamolio sam neke ljude da provere ovo.
KAV vise ne detektuje crva u ovom fajlu. Najverovatnije je neko prijavio false positive.
Detektuju ga samo jos BitDefender i AntiVir.
Sto se tolbara tice, on je opcionalan i pri instalaciji intaler pita korisnika da li zeli da ga instalira.
Cim dobijem neke preciznije podatke o detekciji crva u ovom paketu - javljam.
Dopuna: 23 Jan 2007 19:06
Zvanicna izjava povodom ovoga:
No Virus Threat in Nero
As part of the development of Nero 7, we are using innovative methods to display pictures and videos. Some of these methods were used for the first time in version and adapted to Windows Vista. As these methods were previously unknown to antivirus software manufacturers, this resulted in a virus warning being displayed in some antivirus software during the installation of Nero
In the meantime, these methods have been examined by some manufacturers, have been classified as harmless, and the relevant updates of the virus definitions have been carried out. Once the antivirus software has been updated, virus warnings should no longer appear during the installation of Nero
Warnings in spyware and mailware which appeared while initially installing Nero should also no longer appear after updating the relevant software (e.g. Adaware, Spybot Search & Destroy).