Worm.Win32.Sober.L Alert

Worm.Win32.Sober.L Alert

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 1715
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

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Worm.Win32.Sober.L Alert!

A new variant of the Sober worm is spreading fast. As it's predecessors, Sober.L spreads as an email attachment in emails which are sent to all email addresses found on the victim's harddisk. Even if the executable file is packed in a .ZIP file, many users open the file and activate the worm this way. For novice users it's hard to see that it is a worm generated email because the email subject is "your password + accountnumber !". The email body text is the following:


i've got an admin mail with a Password and Account info!
but the mail recipient are you! it's probably an esmtp error, i think.
i've copied the full mail text in the Windows text-editor & zipped.
ok, cya...

The recipient is advised to open the attached file "Acc_text.zip". The worm also spreads in a German version, which is used on all German email addresses. The German subject is "ich habe ihre e-mail bekommen !". The email body text is:

jemand schickt ihre privaten Mails auf meinem Account.
Ich schaetze mal, das es ein Fehler vom Provider ist.

Insgesamt waren es jetzt schon 6 Mails!
Ich habe alle Mail-Texte im Texteditor kopiert und gezippt.

Wenn es doch kein Fehler vom Provider ist, sorge dafuer das diese Dinger nicht mehr auf meinem Account landen, es Nervt naemlich.


If you start the worm, you will see this window: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Evil or Very Mad

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