novi virus W32.Netsky.B@mm

novi virus W32.Netsky.B@mm

  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5001
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

WARNING: W32.Netsky.B@mm
Threat level: Category 4, SEVERE (scale of 1-5)
Protection Updates: February 18, 2004 (via LiveUpdate)

Also Known As: W32/Netsky.b@MM [McAfee], W32/Netsky.B.worm [Panda], WORM_NETSKY.B [Trend Micro], Moodown.B [F-Secure], I-Worm.Moodown.b [Kaspersky]
Variants: W32.Netsky@mm
Infection Length: 22,016 bytes

Systems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows XP
Systems Not Affected: Linux, Macintosh, UNIX, Windows 3.x

What is W32.Netsky.B@mm and how does it affect me?

W32.Netsky.B is a mass-mailing worm that uses its own SMTP engine to send itself to the email
addresses it finds when scanning the hard drives and mapped drives. This worm also searches
drives C through Z for folder names containing "Share" or "Sharing," and then copies itself to those folders.

The Subject, Body, and email attachment vary.

Note: Beta Definitions 27994, dated February 18, 2004 3:30AM PT, or later will detect this threat.

This worm is currently undergoing analysis. The record at Security Response will be updated as information becomes available.

To read more about the W32.Netsky.B@mm, please click here :

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