

  • Pridružio: 10 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 47

Imam win32/virut.Q virus na racunaru, ne znam kad ni kako sam ga zaradio, radim sa racunarom vec 8 godina ali nikad nisam imao prilike da se susretnem sa necim ovako, recimo, relativno komplikovanim. Pokusavao sam sa kaspersky 7, on pobrise puno sistemskih fajlova pa moram opet instalirati windows tako da slaba vajda od toga. Sad imam instaliran nod32, 3.0.642.0, ali i on radi slicno, brise puno sistemskih fajlova pa sam skontao da sa u stvari to virus tako manifestuje.

Kako se najjednostavnije i najefikasnije otarasiti ove napasti?

Unapred hvala!

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • diarno  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
  • Pridružio: 15 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 5572

Uff..on je mnoogo zeznut...Mozda ti ne gine format..ali mozda..Posto kolko sam ja informisan postoji removal tool,ali njegova upotreba nije dovoljna i to sve pod uslovom da skeniras sa nezarazenog hard-diska sa kojeg ces moci da procistis tvoj hard.....Sacekaj jos neke ljude koji su strucniji..Inace postoji ovde i ambulanta ali ipak ih ti sacekaj...

Evo ova tema ti moze pomoci oko nekih informacija...

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 123
  • Gde živiš: Sarajevo

Moglo bi biti od pomoci, obrati paznju:

The virus can be removed with great difficulty and if you are knowledgeable about computers. I had Virut.Q on Windows XP and removed it without formatting my drive or re-installing Windows. First, you need a separate hard drive from which you can run the Grisoft Virut removal tool. Make sure it's running Windows, since Linux doesn't let you edit NTFS files. The tool will disinfect most of the files. Delete any files that the tool says are infected but refuses to clean. Then, scan your infected drive with a good anti-viral program from the uninfected one. Next, delete the C:\System Volume Information folder. This is the System Restore folder. Give yourself permission to delete it by typing cacls "C:\System Volume Information" /E /G <username>:F at the command prompt. The folder will appear empty before you delete it, but it is not. The virus is hiding inside several folders that it created there. It does this even with System Restore off. Next, repair your Windows installation with a Windows CD. By this I mean a repair installation--not a full one. The repair installation will keep your settings and allow most of your programs to keep working. Then, try booting into the XP drive. I got a blue screen the first time I tried to do this. I then re-installed the drivers for my motherboard and graphics card in Safe Mode and it booted. I then had to re-install my Windows updates manually. I also had to re-install a few programs. So, if you know what you're doing, you can save some time over a clean install and format, but if you don't (like me), you'll waste a lot of time--and I mean a lot!

U daljem tekstu stoji i ovo:

I forgot to mention that I also cleaned out the following folders before booting back into the infected drive:

C:\Documents and Settings\[Username]\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
C:\Documents and Settings\[Username]\Local Settings\Temp

Then, I did an advanced search of the WINDOWS folder and its subfolders for files created recently. I then inspected the files, Googled those I wasn't sure about, and deleted most of them. For example, if you were infected three days ago, you would search for those created within the last three days. I also ran a registry cleaner, but be careful to inspect what it wants to delete and let it delete anything you aren't sure about. Finally, check the root directory (C:\) for any suspicious files and Google them.

  • Pridružio: 10 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 47

znam, vec sam video ovo. ima li neko drugo, mozda jednostavnije resenje?

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