Napisano: 23 Avg 2009 17:19
Imam licencirani Agnitum Security Suite i ESS, odnosno Nod32 v4. Agnitum mi se ne sviđa zbog slabe antivirusne zastite, a firewall ESS-a ne pruža neku kompleksniju zastitu. Da li je moguce instalirati Agnitum Security Suite i Nod32 antivirus v4, tako da se se u prvom isključi antivirusna zastita i ostavlja se aktivno samo firewall? OS= licencirani windows 7 professional
Nod32 nema u listi nekompatibilnih programa:
Products incompatible with the Outpost Firewall Pro and Outpost Security Suite
KB ID: 1000240, Added: 24-07-2007, Last updated: 24-01-2008
printable version
Applies To:
Outpost Firewall
Outpost Firewall 1.0
Outpost Firewall 2.0
Outpost Firewall 2.1
Outpost Firewall 2.5
Outpost Firewall 2.6
Outpost Firewall 2.7
Outpost Firewall 3.0
Outpost Firewall 3.5
Outpost Firewall 3.51
Outpost Firewall 4.0
Outpost Firewall Free
Outpost Security Suite 2007
Outpost Security Suite Pro 2008
Outpost Security Suite Pro 2009
Outpost Firewall Pro 2008
Outpost Firewall Pro 2009
Outpost Firewall and Outpost Security Suite may perform along with some other security products, but not with all of them. Agnitum's software will definitely not perform with security products containing firewalls*. Therefore make sure that you delete such programs before installing Outpost Firewall or Outpost Security Suite. As far as the number of firewalls is constantly growing, below is the list of the most used products incompatible with Agnitum's software:
* ActiveArmor Firewall (nVidia Network Access Manager)
* AGAVA Firewall
* Armor2net Personal Firewall
* AtGuard
* BlackICE Defender
* Check Point Firewall
* Comodo Firewall Pro
* Danware NetOp Firewall
* F-Secure Internet Security/Antivirus
* F-Secure Internet Shield
* Jetico Personal Firewall
* Kaspersky Anti-Hacker
* Kaspersky Internet Security
* Kerio Personal Firewall
* Lavasoft Personal Firewall
* Look 'n' Stop
* McAfee Personal Firewall
* Norton Internet Security
* Panda Platinum Internet Security
* PC Firewall
* Quick Heal Firewall Pro
* R-TT R-Firewall
* Rising Personal FireWall
* Secret Surf Firewall
* Softwin Bitdefender Pro
* Sophos Client Firewall
* Sygate Personal Firewall
* Tiny Personal Firewall
* TheGreenBow TGB::BOB
* Trend Micro PC-cillin Firewall
* ZoneAlarm Security Suite
Agnitum's software is incompatible with the following security products either:
* BWMeter (Desksoft Network packet filter driver)
* NetLimiter Pro
Dopuna: 24 Avg 2009 14:49
Instalirao sam Agnitum Security pro sa nod32 v4. Agnitum se instalirao u compatibility mode-u bez problema.
Dopuna: 25 Avg 2009 21:34
Sve glatko ide bez problema.