Ako je nesto poslo naopako, ovo moze da pomogne:
The list of command line parameters that can be run with file kav.exe follows here:
start full scan
kav.exe /fullscan [/silent] [/wait] [/minimize] [/rpt=report_file_name]
stop full scan
kav.exe /fullscanstop
start scan of removable drives
kav.exe /removablescan [/silent] [/wait] [/minimize] [/rpt=report_file_name]
stop scan of removable drives
kav.exe /removablescanstop
scan particular object
kav.exe object1 object2 ... objectn [/silent] [/wait] [/minimize] [/rpt=report_file_name]
kav.exe /scan=file_with_scan_objects [/silent] [/wait] [/minimize] [/rpt=report_file_name]
file_with_scan_objects - the name of the text file, that contains list of objects for check up
Start anti-virus database update
kav.exe /update [/silent] [/wait] [/minimize] [/rpt=report_file_name]
Meaning of command line parameters:
/silent - do not show progress window
/wait - wait until the task finishes, the result can be checked by reviewing return codes:
0, 1 - error starting task,
2 - error execution task,
3 - stopped by user,
4 - the task completed successfully
/minimize - do not show main window, if the Antivirus was not started
/rpt - the name of the external report file