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Check for vulnerabilities of your computer system to remote attacks
We have scanned your system for open ports and for ports visible to others on the Internet. As a rule an open port means your computer is vulnerable to attacks by razbijacers. They gain access to your computer and its files through these open ports.
The test found open port(s) on your system: 23
The test also found visible port(s) on your system: 21, 80, 137, 138, 139, 1080, 3128
If you have already installed and are using a firewall, check if it is set to make all the ports of your computer closed and invisible (hidden). If you have any problems adjusting your firewall, get help from the firewall developer. If the firewall is correctly set but fails this test, replace the firewall software and redo this test.
Trojan horse check
The test scanned your system to find signs of a Trojan. If a Trojan horse is on your computer a razbijacer can access your system's files and your personal data.
At Risk!
The test found visible ports on your system: 27374, 12345, 1243, 31337, 12348.
The following Trojans use these ports: SubSeven, NetBus, SubSeven, Back Orifice, BioNet
Although these ports are visible, they are not open, so your system is not infected. However, having visible ports on your system means your computer can be "seen" over the Internet. This makes it very easy for skillful intruders to explore your system.