Norton Antivirus, Internet Security 2012 Beta

Norton Antivirus, Internet Security 2012 Beta

  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 14018
  • Gde živiš: Nish

Norton je ucinio dostupnim svoje beta proizvode za one koji zele da testiraju. Naravno izlazice u narednim mesecima jos beta osvezavanja sa ispravljenim nadjenim/prijavljenim bug-ovima pre nego izadje konacna verzija ovog proizvoda.

U ponudi su Norton Internet Security i njegov "slabiji brat" Norton Anti-Virus. Slabiji je iskljucivo zbog dodatnih karakteristika (features-a) koje ima NIS.

Pre preuzimanja ovih beta proizvoda potrebno je da se popuni mali formular na sajtu.
Installer zahteva internet konekciju, a sama instalacija nije nesto slozena. Potrebno je uneti Product Key koju smo dobili na email. Nije potreban restart sistema nakon instalacije.

Karakteristike NAV-a su:

Citat: Norton Protection System includes 4 layers of rock-solid protection designed to proactively protect against the very latest threats – so you can do more on your PC without disruptions.
Insight Technology protects you from download dangers no matter which browser, instant messenger or file sharing program you use*.
Customizable Control Center gives you the option to choose your preference between a simplified screen or the traditional detailed view.
Bandwidth Management limits Norton’s processes and updates when you have limited bandwidth or monthly downloads.
Download Insight 2.0 now tells you how stable a download is before you put your computer at risk for crashes or other bad things to happen.
Norton Recovery Tools help remove threats that can be deeply buried in a PC’s operating system.

Karakteristike NIS-a su:

Citat: Interface simplification with options to run scans and updates right from the interface. Advanced users can switch to (and set as default) advanced mode which allows them to enable or disable features with a click.
Identity Safe 2.0 can now safe data to the cloud so that you can connect to the information from multiple computers. Identity Safe is basically a password manager and form filler.
Application Stability Ratings are introduced in Norton 2012. Norton scans the running applications on your PC and displays ratings for them. Applications are rated by their resource usage, trust level and reliability.
Bandwidth Metering is introduced in Norton 2012 products which can limit Norton to only download critical updates or nothing at all.
Norton Autofix is an automatic tool that tries to fix problems that you may be experiencing with your copy of Norton Internet Security 2012.
Performance has been approved, according to Norton. This includes a smaller footprint, faster startup and shutdown times and faster scans and file access operations.
Google Chrome users can now make use of the Identity Safe and Safe Web features, which they previously could not.
Norton Power Eraser 2.0 and Sonar 4.0 updates introduce new features. Sonar Policy Enforcement uses behavioral analysis of processes to create profiles. The app looks at a processes previous actions and uses them in its analysis of the process. This increases the chance that malicious processes are discovered.

Zahtevnost ovih proizvoda:

Citat:Microsoft® Windows® XP (32-bit) with Service Pack 2 or later ***
Home/Professional/Media Center
Microsoft Windows Vista® (32-bit and 64-bit) Starter/Home Basic/Home Premium/Business/Ultimate
Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) Starter/Home Basic/Home Premium/Professional/Ultimate

Minimum Hardware Requirements
300 MHz or faster processor
256 MB of RAM for XP, 512 of RAM for VISTA and 1GB of RAM for Win7 (minimum of 512 MB RAM required for Recovery Tool)
300 MB of available hard disk space
CD-ROM or DVD drive (if not installing via electronic download)
Support for AntiSpam
Microsoft Outlook® 2002 or later ***
Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0 or later ***
Windows Mail (spam filtering only)
Browser support for Vulnerability Protection and Phishing Protection
Microsoft Internet Explorer® 6.0 or higher (32-bit only) ***
Mozilla Firefox® 3.0 and later ***


Imajte na umu da su ovo Beta verzije namenjene iskljucivo za testiranje sto znaci da se u njima mogu naci bug-ovi koji trebaju biti reseni.

Vise informacija o ovim proizvodima mozete naci na:,2817,2383462,00.asp

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.

Zanima me,ako smo cijelo vrijeme koristili beta verzije, da li ipak nakon izlaska finalne verzije moramo licencu kupiti ili je dobijamo gratis???

  • Pridružio: 19 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1106
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Ne dobija se gratis, ti samovoljno pristajes da koristis BETA verziju.

  • Més que un club
  • Glavni vokal @ Harpun
  • Pridružio: 27 Feb 2009
  • Poruke: 3898
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad,Klisa

Black Code ::Zanima me,ako smo cijelo vrijeme koristili beta verzije, da li ipak nakon izlaska finalne verzije moramo licencu kupiti ili je dobijamo gratis???
Da je tako svi mi bi koristili beta verzije Very Happy
Probao sam norton i ocaran sam njegovom brzinom...Ima ubedljivo najbrzi start-up od svih AVova koje sam probao,cak i od mog omiljenog Avasta.... Sve pohvale za to Smile
Samo idalje imaju problem sa FPovima Mad

  • diarno  Male
  • Anti Malware Fighter
    Rank 2
  • Pridružio: 15 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 5572

Black Code ::Zanima me,ako smo cijelo vrijeme koristili beta verzije, da li ipak nakon izlaska finalne verzije moramo licencu kupiti ili je dobijamo gratis???

Lepo ti pise gore na screenu 14 dana Smile

Inace, simpatican je Smile


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