Spy Defense - AntiSpyWare

Spy Defense - AntiSpyWare

  • Pridružio: 27 Nov 2005
  • Poruke: 113

Ovaj AntiSpyWare mi je poznat vec odavno, ali se nisam nesto interesovao oko njega. Sad uzeh da malo prostudiram.
Elem, vrlo malo ima ocena za ovaj program, koji je inace u BETA fazi.
Na maticnom sajtu mi izgleda malo cudno, jer nema nekih novosti.
Ono sto je pozitivno kod ovog programa je sto ne uzima mnogo resursa pri real time zastiti, zatim izuzetno je stabilan obzirom da je BETA, ne gusi masinu, kao vecina slicnih programa. Nisam primetio ni false positive.
Ali i dalje ne mogu da donesem neku realnu procenu o ovom antispyware.
Da li je neko imao priliku da drzi malo ovaj prog. na svom racunaru i kakva su iskustva, ili ako neko hoce da proba pa da iznese eventualna losa ili dobra iskustva.


Citat:SpyDefense Features:

Customizable Scan Modes

Use SpyDefenses Express Scan and Advanced Scan modes to easily:
Scan system memory, registry files, and file system
Scan for tracking cookies
Scan for and protect against Internet Explorer hijacking programs

Use SpyDefenses Customized Scan mode to quickly:
Deep scan drives and folders for extra protection
Select individual drives or files to scan
Customize scan settings to meet your personal anti-spyware needs

Real-time Protection

SpyDefense can also protect your computer in Real-Time, scanning websites and running programs to find and prevent spyware from every reaching your computer. It can also defend against Internet hijacking software, protecting valuable private and financial information.

Automatic Updates

SpyDefense automatically checks for the most recent information on spyware, guaranteeing that your fully protected each and every time you use SpyDefense.

Schedule Scans

SpyDefenses scheduling settings will allow you to schedule scans while you're away from your computer or even while you're sleeping, assuring that your computer is always protected and you never have to waste valuable time running the scans yourself.

File Quarantine

For advanced users, SpyDefense has the ability to quarantine files and registry keys that have been targeted by spyware, to allow you to store them at a later date if necessary.

Scan History

SpyDefense provides a clear and concise Scan Result after every scan, and saves these results in the Scan History. This history can later be used to search for problems or plan future protection by Network Administrators and by the experts at SpyDefense's Support Center.


Join the SpyDefense Community to receive not only recent news about the program, but also Tips & Tricks to help prevent spyware from every becoming a threat on your computer. You can also share your comments, problems, or solutions with other community members.

Support Center

EverestLabs's Support Center has a full staff of anti-spyware experts, ready and willing to assist with any problems you may encounter. Don't hesitate to contact us via email or visit our Support Forum

Dopuna: 10 Okt 2006 1:37

Hmm...izgleda da su digli ruke...Update database 14. Mart 2006. poslednji.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 22 Jul 2003
  • Poruke: 240
  • Gde živiš: Amsterdam / NL

Koristim ga (da ne pretjeram) vec godinu dana, svo to vrijeme je u beta fazi, nema nekog redovnog update intervala. Unutar tih godinu dana ako se sjecam 3-4 puta su izdavali novu betu a update definicija je sporadican.
Kako si rekao program ne "pije" mnogo resursa, interface je vedar jedino sto se tice real-time zastite ne mogu ti mnogo reci jer po navici to ne koristim niti kod jednog alata osim fw i av.

Sto se tice false positive-a u pocetku ih je bilo a sada sve manje, jos jedna losa strana je da njegov fullscan traje zbilja dugo. Veci nedostatak je da isti zna previdjeti stvarnu prijetnju, ali zato (skoro) svi mi koristimo vise ovakvih aplikacija.

Moja je logika ako jedan nesto promasi drugi valjda nece.

1. SpybotSearch&Destroy + 2. AdAware + 3. Everest SpyDefense + SuperAntiSpyware

Paranoja Smile

p.s. unaprijed sorry za offtopic:
Moja zastita KAV + ZAPro 6.5.737.000 (Dobri stari Seagate je otkupljen i ne update-uje se vise a Agnitumov Outpost je za mene prekomplikovan) + gore navedeni porgrami

  • Pridružio: 27 Nov 2005
  • Poruke: 113

Hvala na odgovoru.
Interesovalo me jer kao sto rekoh nema mnogo ocena sto se ovog prog.tice, ali sve mi lici da su malo digli ruke od istog. Mada je steta jer bas malo uzima resurse i stabilan je. Inace nisam ljubitelj antispyware i firewall programa.


  • Pridružio: 22 Jul 2003
  • Poruke: 240
  • Gde živiš: Amsterdam / NL

Mislim da jos nisi digli ruke od toga, kao sto ti rekoh update kod njih je veoma sporadican, nikad ne znas kad ga rade.

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