BMW ::Divan savet.
Znači, oni koji su napravili KIS su malo blesavi što su stavili upozorenje da se ne slaže s tim programom?
Ako ti 'radi bez problema' ne znači da će tako i ostati.
Možda ne vidiš problem.
Ako smatraš da je Kasperski pogrešio, zašto onda držiš njegov program?
Otkuda ti poverenje u takav program koji već na početku instalacije brlja i izbacuje pogrešna upozorenja?
Na kraju pitanje za moderatora: zar ovde nije uvedeno pravilo da savete daju samo stručni i upućeni, koji su bar prošli vaš kurs obuke?
E svasta cu da procitam ovde.
Ne radi samo kod mene, nego kod svih kojma sam instalirao. Jednooooo 50-60 kompjutera.
Inace ova kombinacija radi kod mene, a i kod ostalih, jedno tri-cetri godine, samo se menjaju verzije jednog i drugog programa.
Posto ja nisam dovoljno strucan i po tvom ukusu, je l' dovoljno strucan mod na Kaspersky forumu?
I am considering buying a KIS 2009 license for 3 computers but, I am hesitant now since this seems like a bad practice
I would like the Kaspersky team to clarify something: does their software conflict with REAL-TIME scans that are enabled in apps such as Spybot?
Because I DO NOT use any real-time scanners at all, and only do MANUAL scans with most of my software, including Spybot.
Is this really neccesary? I do not want to remove Spybot, it's one of the best freeware apps I've used and it would be a shame.
If Kaspersky causes no harm to other security apps when running in MANUAL mode then can this be changed in a future update, so it's optional to uninstall.
I will wait and see, because right now I do not want to install KIS.
If you would like, you may do this: Install Kaspersky first> reboot, then install Spybot, on demand only, no real time, teatimer, immunizer. As security applications hook deeper, and self defense and HIPS are improved, inter-vendor compatibility is not improving. You can enable all threat categories in Settings > Threats and exclusions > Settings > other programs>ok>ok, for extended detection. Also, Superantispyware works very well with Kaspersky, in real time also.;p=725954
@ bad_boyyyy
Uostalom, izbor je na tebi. Hoces li da poslusas moda na Kaspersky forumu, ili BMW-a.
Aj, uzdravlje.