Twitch, protiv repetitive strain injury

Twitch, protiv repetitive strain injury

  • Freia  Female
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 31 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 1899

Besplatno i bez blokiranja misa itd. Na desktop-u simpa metric, koji pokazuje da li je stigao "plafon" ili ne, jednostavan meni za opcije sto se tice vremena itd.

Informacije nadjene u magazinu radne unije.

Twitch - Logo Twitch is a small utility that might help prevent RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) and other keyboard and mouse related injuries.

It is a free program for Windows that forces you to pause working your computer at fixed intervals. These intervals are usually quite short; about 14 seconds of pause after using your computer for about 3 minutes. Some specialists believe this can help prevent RSI.
Discerning Features

* Small and fast. Takes a minimum amount of processing time and memory during operation.
* Stable. Will not disrupt system operations, even when playing games.
* Simple to use.
* Modern user interface. If you have Windows XP, Twitch will fit right in with the rest of your sleek-looking utils.
* Free. Yep, you can download Twitch now, free of cost. If you like Twitch, a voluntary donation is very much appreciated. Twitch is not shareware, crippleware or spyware.

Latest Version (1.1)
Twitch - Time progress bar The latest version of Twitch can be downloaded. It has the following features:

* New WinXP interface
* Smooth timing on pause window
* New tray icon: shows progress
* Installer
* Extra preferences
* Disables itself when full-screen applications (such as games) are detected
* Rarely used code is now in separate DLL (minimizes memory usage)
* New manual in CHM format
* Reduced hook DLL size: 16 kilobytes
* Mouse sensitivity setting

The version of Twitch you can download here is feature-complete; no crippleware, no spyware.

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