Na E-bayu je skoro (17.10.) prodat jedan Alto. Cena je sa 1$ dostigla čitavih 30.000$. S obzirom da E-bay od skoro skriva identitet ponuđača, nije poznato ko je kupac.
Deo teksta oglasa:
That's right,
You are looking at a system-complete, never commercially sold Xerox Alto. This is grandfather of all modern computing. First produced in 1973, the Alto was WAY ahead of it's time, including:
1 ) Full ethernet networking
2 ) A 3 button Mouse (first in a non-DARPA computer)
3 ) a Full-page portrait CRT
4 ) Graphical user interface
5 ) The first WYSIWYG word processor
6 ) The first integrated email application
7 ) The first graphical network based computer game (Alto Trek!)
8 ) The first WYSIWYG integrated circuit design software
9 ) The first implementation of the Smalltalk development environment
10) Bitmapped graphics, menu's, icons, the "folder" metaphor for storage, etc....
11) Removable storage - 2.5 Megabyte (yes, megabyte!)
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