Da li da pomognem sirotom marincu u Iraku?

Da li da pomognem sirotom marincu u Iraku?

  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2005
  • Poruke: 13526
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Nigerijska prevara je, izgleda prevaziđena, pa se ide na sofisticiranije metode prevare: sada vas putem e-maila mole da im pomognete da iz Iraka ilegalno (ali mora se, nisu dovoljno plaćeni za držanje glave u torbi) iznesu deset ipo miliona dolara! Pa se nešto pitam, da li da pomognem sirotom marincu da prevari američku vladu i armiju i da podelim sa njim tu sitnu svotu? Samo, nemojte nikom da pričate za ovo, neću moći da se odbranim od ponuda za slične marifetluke, a i šta ću sa tolikim novcima?!
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Dakle, evo maila koji sam dobio danas:

From: Captain Scholl <etan@adage.com>


Compliments of the season to you.

First,let me introduce myself. I am Capt. Michael Scholl,assigned to 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, western Anbar Province in Iraq. I am desperately in need of your assistance and I have summoned up courage to contact you. I am presently in Iraq and I am seeking your assistance to evacuate the sum of $10,570,000 (Ten million Five Hundred and Seventy Thousand USD) as far as I can be assured that it will be safe in your care until I complete my service here.

SOURCE OF MONEY: During a rescue operation, some amounts in various currencies which was concealed in barrels with piles of weapons and ammunition at a location near one of Saddam Hussein's old Presidential Palaces was discovered and it was agreed by all party present that the money Be shared amongst us. This might appear as an illegal thing to do but I tell you what, no compensation can make up for the risks we have taken with our lives in this hellhole. The above figure was given to me as my share and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a German contact working with the UN here (his office enjoys some immunity) I was able to get the package out to a safe location entirely out of trouble spot. He does not know the real contents of the package as he believes that it belongs to an American who died in an air raid and asked that the package be handed over family. I have now found a secured way of getting the package out of Iraq for you to pick up and hold in your care pen.
For more details please contact me via my private box: schollmichael@yahoo.cn

Capt.Michael Scholl.

Primetićete kako novac ruši sve ideološke i političke barijere: gosn kapetan Michael Scholl je ladno naveo adresu na kineskom Yahoo domenu. Valjda ga neće Kinezi otkucati Amerima?

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