Audacity i dalje prikuplja podatke o korisniku

Audacity i dalje prikuplja podatke o korisniku

  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 1066

Poduže je na VideoHelp forumu stajalo upozorenje o tome da je novi vlasnik uveo praksu prikupljanja podataka o korisnicima i da je to među njima izazvalo ozbiljno tumbanje. Izašla je nova verzija (v3.3.0) i upozorenja je nestalo.

I tek što se poradovah, a ono...

Jasno izloženo, ne može se reći da su sakrili. Ako vam ovo smeta - jurite verziju 3.0.2 i starije.

Najsimpatičniji je ovaj deo: Mr. Green

"We use anonymised information...Under the GDPR, individuals have certain data protection rights, including the right to access, correct, update or request deletion of their personal information, which you can exercise by emailing ...(blah-blah-blah, privacy team)... However, these rights only apply to the extent that the controller is able to identify the individuals whose personal information is collected. As mentioned above, the Audacity Team anonymises or discards all information that would enable us to identify you, and the processing of the information we collect does not require us to identify you. For these reasons, the exercise of your GDPR rights may be limited, or in some cases, might not apply..." .

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 1066

Danas slučajno naleteh na ovo, nisam ni znao da postoji:


"Our project initially started as a fork of Audacity as a result of multiple controversies and public relation crises, which you can find out more about here:

Privacy policy which may violate the original project's GPL license
Contributor's License Agreement (CLA) which may violate the same GPL license
Attempts at adding telemetry using Google services for data collection

Nevertheless, the goal of this project is to pick up what the original developers of Audacity the decades-long work by the original creators of Audacity and create an audio editor that is fresh, more modern, convenient and practical to use, with the help and the guidance of our users and our community."

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Korisnici trenutno na forumu: bojank, djordje92sm, ILGromovnik, MilosKop, oldtimer, Povratak1912, VJ