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Here is a description of all available placeholders. IMPORTANT: Upper/lowercase is relevant!
[N] old file name, WITHOUT extension
[N2-5] Characters 2 to 5 from the old name (totals to 4 characters). Double byte characters (e.g. Chinese, Japanese) are counted as 1 character! The first letter is accessed with '1'.
[N2,5] 5 characters starting at character 2
[N2-] All characters starting at character 2
[N-8,5] 5 characters starting at the 8-last character (counted from the end of the name)
[N-8-5] Characters from the 8th-last to the 5th-last character
[N2--5] Characters from the 2nd to the 5th-last character
[N-5-] Characters from the 5th-last character to the end of the name
[2-5] Characters 2-5 from the whole name and extension (other numbers as in [N] definition)
[P] Paste name of the parent directory, e.g. when renaming c:\directory\file.txt -> pastes "directory".
Also working: [P2-5], [P2,5], [P-8,5], [P-8-5] and [P2-], see description of [N] above.
[G] Grandparent directory (usage: see [P]).
[E] Extension
[E1-2] Characters 1-2 from the extension (other numbers as in [N] definition)
[C] Paste counter, as defined in Define counter field
[C10+5:3] Paste counter, define counter settings directly. In this example, start at 10, step by 5, use 3 digits width.
Partial definitions like [C10] or [C+5] or [C:3] are also accepted.
[Caa+1] Paste counter, define counter settings directly. In this example, start at aa, step 1 letter, use 2 digits (defined by 'aa' width)
[d] Paste date as defined in current country settings. / is replaced by a dash
[Y] Paste year in 4 digit form
[y] Paste year in 2 digit form
[M] Paste month, always 2 digit
[D] Paste day, always 2 digit
[t] Paste time, as defined in current country settings. : is replaced by a dot.
[h] Paste hours, always in 24 hour 2 digit format
[m] Paste minutes, always in 2 digit format
[s] Paste seconds, always in 2 digit format
[U] All characters after this position in uppercase
[L] All characters after this position in lowercase
[F] First letter of each word uppercase after this position, all others lowercase
[n] All characters after this position again as in original name (upper/lowercase unchanged)
[[] Insert square bracket: open
[]] Insert square bracket: close (cannot be combined with other commands inside the square bracket!)
Insert field named "fieldname" from content plugin named "pluginname". "unit" may be an optional unit (if supported by that field), or a field formatter like YMD for date fields. You can use the [=?] Plugin button to insert plugin fields.
Same as above, but for partial strings (here: letters 4-7).
A slika ilustruje postupak:
Dakle, postupak je sledeći:
Folder u kome su fajlovi koje želiš da multi-preimenuješ tretiraš komandom Ctrl + B, i u polju za masku imena fajla ukucaš [P] ispred [N]. Time će svi fajlovi dobiti novo ime koje se sastoji od imena matičnog direktorijuma i originalnog imena fajla. Čak, možeš da budeš i kreativniji! Ako u polje za masku upišeš [G] [P] dobićeš nova imena fajlova koji će se sada zvati npr. Test 1 - 3_3_20[1].gif, Test 1 - 3_3_21[1].gif itd, odnosno u imenu će imati ime glavnog foldera, podfoldera u kome je fajl i ime samog fajla.