Internet Explorer 7 za WinXP SP2 - bez validacije!


Internet Explorer 7 za WinXP SP2 - bez validacije!

  • ZoNi  Male
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  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2005
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Internet Explorer 7 za WinXP SP2 - bez validacije!

Od danas(?) nije više potrebno proći postupak validacije za download i instalaciju IE7 na XP SP2!

Microsoft has dropped the requirement for Windows XP users to go through Windows Genuine Advantage validation in order to get Internet Explorer 7.

The move, delivered via a software update on Thursday, means even users of pirated copies of Windows can take advantage of Microsoft's latest browser software. For the rest of us it means avoiding the chore of WGA validation, a test that has been known to go wrong from time to time and is a chore even at the best of times.

IE7 comes bundled with Vista and as an optional update to XP. Dropping WGA checks for IE7 only affects Windows XP users.

In a posting to its IE development blog, Microsoft suggested creating a safer internet through the improved security features bundled with IE7 was more important than fighting piracy.

Actually it didn't use the words piracy or unlicensed use at all, instead referring to the "entire Windows ecosystem", a group which apparently includes "pirates". This line is consistent with the Redmond's previous statement that piracy is bad but not all bad since users of knock-off Microsoft software are likely to purchase Windows software and applications over time.

IE7 contains a number of security improvements including a built-in anti-phishing filter and Extended Validation SSL Certificates, another feature designed to protect against online fraud. "Because Microsoft takes its commitment to help protect the entire Windows ecosystem seriously, we’re updating the IE7 installation experience to make it available as broadly as possible to all Windows users. With today’s 'Installation and Availability Update', Internet Explorer 7 installation will no longer require Windows Genuine Advantage validation and will be available to all Windows XP users," it explains.

In addition to the big change of dropping WGA validation Redmond has made a few tweaks to IE7 for Windows XP, including making the menu bar visible by default. This move was described as a backward step by users responding to the news on the IE development blog. The lack of information about IE8 was also a bone of contention.

More than one person on the thread suggested that dropping WGA validation was designed to shore up IE's market share. IE remains the most widely used browser software but Firefox is gradually eating into its market share over recent months, a development that's undoubtedly not gone unnoticed at Redmond. ®

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  • den78  Male
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validacija ili ne... IE ce uvek ostati u senci FF-a i Opere Mr. Green
@zoni nadam se da nisam preterao Mr. Green

pozz Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 26 Apr 2005
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Cetiri pitanja:

1. Da li pamti podesavanja koja su bila u IE6?

2. Moze li se na slican nacin deinstalirati kao sto je to moglo sa IE 6 (zaobilazno dakle)

3. Ima li ikakav uticaj na instalirani Maxton?

4. Moze li se instalirati na Linux-u kao sto je to bio slucaj sa IE6?

  • Pridružio: 26 Jul 2004
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  • Gde živiš: Vojvodina,Zrenjanin

Sta je znacio taj postupak validacije?

  • Rogi  Male
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  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
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Značio je to, ako imaš piratski Win, nisi mogao da ga instaliraš.

  • Pridružio: 26 Jul 2004
  • Poruke: 1472
  • Gde živiš: Vojvodina,Zrenjanin

Aha, hvala rogi23, u svakom slucaju ne koristim IE Wink

  • Branislav
  • Pridružio: 27 Feb 2006
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Da li sve radi u redu?
Mislim, da li je neko skinuo i isprobao?

  • ZoNi  Male
  • Free Your Mind!
  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 5757
  • Gde živiš: Singidunum

ja sam skinuo, ali nisam isprobao - još par dana sam na Visti, a ona ima svoj IE7...

čim budem sledeće nedelje vratio XP, instaliraću i ovaj IE7. ne vidim zašto ne bi sve radilo kako treba...

  • Branislav
  • Pridružio: 27 Feb 2006
  • Poruke: 1762
  • Gde živiš: Sombor

I ja sam to shvatio posto sam postavio pitanje...

  • oblak  Male
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ZoNi ::ja sam skinuo, ali nisam isprobao - još par dana sam na Visti, a ona ima svoj IE7...

čim budem sledeće nedelje vratio XP, instaliraću i ovaj IE7. ne vidim zašto ne bi sve radilo kako treba...


sto se vracas na xp?

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