Objavih novo programče, pa kako red dolikuje, da ga podelim i ovde gde je sve i počelo
Citat:Steam Inventory Scanner is a free Application that allows you to easily scan Steam Inventories and show all the items in a powerful, compact list that can be filtered and searched. Furthermore, for each item, there are links towards Steam Community Market, Steam Card Exchange, as well as direct links to User Profiles, Inventories, and Trading.
Features :
Compact preview of Inventory Items within a powerful list
Quick Links Towards Steam Market, Steam Card Exchange, Inventories, Profiles, etc.
Powerful search and filtering per item type or rarity
Setting up Profiles to be scanned prior to the scan, thus allowing multiple scans with one click at any given point
Scanning profiles by pasting the Profile URL or SteamID64
Caching of the Scanned data for future previewing
Exporting the data to a customizable Text or HTML file
Dakle, program koji povlači podatke sa Valve Endpointa za dati Inventar i prikazuje sve iteme inventara u jednu listu koja može da se sortira, pretražuje, kešira ili izveze. Podržava i stari i novi Endpoint, ne zahteva Login, API ključ ili Steam klijent aplikaciju.
Verzija 0.9.1 Beta, Manual i Download :