Poslao: 22 Sep 2006 15:54
- milan78
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Avg 2006
- Poruke: 8
Ima li neko program koji moze da skenira ceo program za xp Da obrise stvari koje nisu potrebne,a doda neke ako nedostaju.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 22 Sep 2006 20:44
- Pridružio: 27 Apr 2006
- Poruke: 40
Sve je moguće kako je objasnio
Ja sam shvatio da skenira ceo program instaliran na XP-u.
Dok ne pojasni možemo samo da nagađamo.
Poslao: 22 Sep 2006 21:02
- bobby
- Administrator
- Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
- Poruke: 24135
- Gde živiš: Wien
Ja cu da pogadjam, i garant cu pogoditi. Coveku trebaju nesto tipa CCleaner, neki reg. cleaner, i na kraju komanda sfc /now.
Posto ja bas i ne koristim te i takve programe jer uglavnom to resavam rucno, dajte vi coveku predloge za ovakve tipove programa koji su po vasem misljenju bolji.
Poslao: 22 Sep 2006 23:47
- milan78
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Avg 2006
- Poruke: 8
Stvar stoji ovako:udjem ti ja slucajno u microsoft windows i nadjem stvar koja ti skenira ceo program i izbaci sve sto nije pozeljno u racunaru,a ubaci ono sto trebas da imas ili ti je izbrisano iz programa.i taman ja sve to uradio kad trazi prvo da se plati.mrk stvar se zove machine tra lala.to je to
Poslao: 23 Sep 2006 23:24
- dr.kobi
- Građanin
- Pridružio: 22 Jul 2005
- Poruke: 265
- Gde živiš: Strawberry town
milan78 ::Stvar stoji ovako:udjem ti ja slucajno u microsoft windows i nadjem stvar koja ti skenira ceo program i izbaci sve sto nije pozeljno u racunaru,a ubaci ono sto trebas da imas ili ti je izbrisano iz programa.i taman ja sve to uradio kad trazi prvo da se plati.mrk stvar se zove machine tra lala.to je to
Nisam baš najbolje razumeo kako se zove program? A sa početka teme vidim, ako sam i to dobro razumeo,tražiš Citat:Ima li neko program koji moze da skenira ceo program za xp Da obrise stvari koje nisu potrebne,a doda neke ako nedostaju. Ali koliko ja znam takvo nešto ne postoji.
Poslao: 23 Sep 2006 23:37
- purple
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 02 Apr 2005
- Poruke: 1516
- Gde živiš: # :(){ :|:& };:
Stvar stoji ovako:udjem ti ja slucajno u microsoft windows i nadjem stvar koja ti skenira ceo program i izbaci sve sto nije pozeljno u racunaru,a ubaci ono sto trebas da imas ili ti je izbrisano iz programa.i taman ja sve to uradio kad trazi prvo da se plati.mrk stvar se zove machine tra lala.to je to
ko zna o chemu uopshte pricha cho'ek..nisht' ga nisam razumeo..aj nek proba 3. put mozda bude imao srece ali kako je krenuo..nema mu pomoci..
Poslao: 24 Sep 2006 23:50
- milan78
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Avg 2006
- Poruke: 8
Registry Mechanic 5.2
[+] Click to Download
Registry Mechanic
"... we were impressed enough to notice improved stability and speed enhancements during both start-up and regular usage"
- PC Plus March 2005
Editor's Choice Registry Cleaner
Don't compromise your PC Registry with the second best!
World's most popular Registry Cleaner with 300,000 plus downloads per week.
Recommended by experts and editors around the world as the best Registry Cleaner.
FREE award-winning customer support for all users.
Cleans Registry, Fixes PC errors and optimizes PC for better performance.
Easy to use. Designed for both, expert and novice users.
100% Guaranteed.
With Registry Mechanic you can safely clean, repair and optimize the Windows registry with a few simple mouse clicks! Problems with the Windows registry are a common cause of Windows crashes, slow performance and error messages. By using a registry cleaner regularly and fixing registry errors your system should not only be more stable but it will also help improve your system performance without expensive hardware upgrades. Learn more about the importance of a clean registry with our registry insight.
[+] Click to EnlargeRegistry Mechanic uses a high-performance detection algorithm to quickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. These problems can occur for many reasons including being left-behind after the un-installation or incorrect removal of software, by missing or corrupt hardware drivers, or orphaned startup programs.
With a few easy steps Registry Mechanic will scan your entire registry for any invalid entries and provides a list of the registry errors found, you can then choose to selectively clean each item or automatically repair them all. For your convenience and protection Registry Mechanic can also make a backup of any repairs made so that you can easily recover any changes if required.
Registry Mechanic Information
Current Version: 5.2
File Size: 3.43 Mbytes
Operating System: Designed for Windows
Release Date: April 11, 2006
Protection Against: Cleans and Compacts Registry and Optimizes PC for better performance.
100% Guaranteed
Pa momci naso sam ga.Da se ja razumem koliko i vi pomoc mi ne bi trebala.Eto vam sad pa vidite ima li neceg slicnog.U svakom slucaju hvala svima.Sto neko gore rece treca sreca.POZDRAV
Dopuna: 24 Sep 2006 23:50