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Jedino na šta bih ti sugerisao iz ovo što vidim je da imaš instaliran dodatak za MSN mesenger - MSN Plus! čija besplatna verzija dolazi opciono sa adware-om.
Preporuka je da ne koristi neki antispyware program za otklanjanje ovih reklama već da to uradi po uputstvima koja su mu data na oficijalnom sajtu programa MSN Plus!. - http://www.msgpluslive.net/
Citat:What does Messenger Plus! Live install on my computer?
When you install Messenger Plus! Live, several files are copied to your computer. All the files placed in "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live" have either been developed by ourselves (all the files that are signed) or come from third parties that have been carefully reviewed. For those who choose to give their support by installing the optional sponsor program, the sponsor's uninstallation program is copied in "C:\Program Files\Adverts" and is only used to uninstall the sponsor from Add/Remove Programs. Messenger Plus! Live does not install any system wide hook and keeps user related files in "Documents & Settings".
Citat:How can I uninstall the sponsor program?
To uninstall the sponsor, simply go in the "Add/Remove Programs" window, select "Messenger Plus! Live & Sponsor" and follow the instructions. You will be given the choice of uninstalling the sponsor only (if you still want to keep Messenger Plus! without the ads) or everything altogether. Note that if the software is listed as "Messenger Plus! Live" and if the uninstaller doesn't inform you of the presence of the sponsor, it means that the Messenger Plus!'s sponsor is currently not installed and that the advertisements you may be seeing are coming from something else installed in your system.
If the sponsor was installed but damaged by a third party program, the uninstaller will inform you of the problem. In that case, the easiest procedure is generally to disable your anti-adware/spyware, reinstall Messenger Plus! Live with its sponsor and launch the uninstaller again, this will ensure that nothing interferes with the proper uninstallation of the program. When launched, the sponsor's uninstaller will simply ask you to confirm the number displayed on screen and will then proceed with the uninstallation. You can then re-enable your anti-adware/spyware product and contact them about the problem you experienced because of their improper removal of Messenger Plus!'s files.
Ne koristim ovaj software. Napominjem da postoji mogućnost da ti je rad i funkcionisanje programa zavisno od tih pop up reklama.
Spor rad računara ne mora da znači da je to posledica delovanje nekog malware-a. Ovde to nije vidljivo. Neznam specifikaciju hardware-a i nisam upoznat za korisničkim navikama tvog rodjaka tako da ne mogu da pričam napamet.
Uglavnom: redovna defragmentacija HDD-a, manje aktivnih procesa koji su mu nepotrebni, redovno čišćenje temp & junk fajlova, registrija i sl.. Poneki tweak sistema itd i trebalo bi da ubrza računar. Dosta toga je opširno opisano u windows delu, možeš da ga uputiš i na te savete..