


  • Pridružio: 10 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 3549

The US Deep Impact spacecraft is on course to fire a probe into a comet on 4 July, scientists have announced.

The missile, travelling at 100 times the speed of a bullet, is expected to blast a hole in the heart of the space rock, spraying out ice and dust.

Analysing this primordial material, which was around at the time the Solar System formed, could shed light on the origin of the planets.

The collision is set for 0552 GMT on Independence Day in America.

About a day before, the mothership will release a small copper probe, which will steer itself towards Comet Tempel 1, a ball of ice, rock and dust the size of Manhattan.

Cameras on the projectile and the mothership will record the event, and instruments on Deep Impact will analyse the gases and debris ejected.

'Out of this world'

Rick Grammier, Deep Impact project manager at the US space agency Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, called the manoeuvre "extremely challenging".

"In our quest of a great scientific payoff, we are attempting something never done before at speeds and distances that are truly out of this world," he said.


"It's a bullet trying to hit a second bullet with a third bullet, in the right place at the right time, watching the first two bullets and gathering the scientific data from that impact," he told a news briefing in Washington on Thursday.

Mission scientists said they expected to be able to solve a technical glitch that has caused the spacecraft to return blurry images from one of its instruments.

They will use a mathematical process on the images it captures after they have been transmitted to Earth.

Deep Impact has taken six months to travel some 431 million km (268 million miles) from Earth.

The mission shares a title with the 1998 Hollywood film in which astronauts attempt to stop a comet hitting the Earth.

Deep Impact aims to look under the surface of a comet, at material that has remained untouched since the birth of the planets.

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  • Pridružio: 10 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 3549

  • MRKY 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2004
  • Poruke: 2138

Naučnici traže način da odbrane Zemlju

Dvostepena letelica „Dip impakt“ („Duboki udar“) pokušaće da izvede veoma ambiciozan poduhvat: sa nje će, brzinom sto puta većom od brzine metka, biti ispaljen projektil u kometu „Tempel 1“. Sudar će se dogoditi dovoljno blizu Zemlje da bi astronomi mogli da ga posmatraju.

„Duboki udar“ trebalo bi da se odigra 4. jula na Dan nezavisnosti SAD, u 5 sati i 52 minuta po srednjoevropskom vremenu. Dan pre eksplozije matični brod će lansirati malu bakarnu sondu ka kometi veličine Menhetna, sačinjenoj od leda, stena i prašine. Kamere na sondi moći će da snime ceo događaj, a instrumenti na „Dip impaktu“ će analizirati oslobođene gasove i raspršene materije. Projektil će napraviti krater veličine sportskog stadiona i osloboditi sadržaj iz jezgra komete.

„Pokušavamo da uradimo nešto što niko dosad nije uradio“, objašnjava Rik Gremijer, rukovodilac projekta iz Laboratorije NASA u Pasadeni, u Kaliforniji. Naučnici veruju da su komete ostaci materija od kojih je nastao Sunčev sistem pre četiri i po milijarde godina i da njihova unutrašnjost nije pretrpela skoro nikakve promene. Proučavanje kometa će pomoći naučnicima da saznaju kako je zaista nastao Sunčev sistem.

Komete su značajne iz još jednog razloga. One, naime, zajedno s kamenim asteroidima, predstavljaju stalnu potencijalnu pretnju za Zemlju, jer bi sudar s našom planetom prouzrokovao kataklizmu. Odbrana od kometa zahteva njihovo bolje poznavanje da bi naučnici smislili najlakši način da ih unište ili skrenu sa opasne putanje.

Letelica „Dip impakt“ je sa Zemlje putovala šest meseci i prevalila 431 milion kilometara. Celokupna misija nema mnogo sličnosti s dramatičnim Holivudskim filmom „Dip impakt“ iz 1998. u kome astronauti pokušavaju da zaustave sudar komete sa Zemljom.

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  • Civil Works Team Leader @ IKEA Centres Russia
  • Pridružio: 22 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 7912
  • Gde živiš: Moskva, Rusija


Narodna poslovica
Ko se macha lati, od macha ce nastradati!

Ne bih da zvucim pesimisticki, ali nesto mi govori da ce deo te komete kada se bude raspala da napravi gadan problem za Zemlji... Bilo bi pravedno da rokne po Amerima, jer se oni ovde igraju Boga... Samo se nadam da me moja prva reakcija sada ipak vara (mada do sada nikad nije... Shocked Confused )

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

Summary - (Jun 29, 2005) NASA's Deep Impact spotted an outburst of ice and gas from the surface of Comet Tempel 1, which has been turned into a short animation of several frames. This is the second outburst astronomers have seen from the comet this month, and gives astronomers a great opportunity to fine tune instruments in space and here on Earth to get the most science out of the July 4 "encounter".
Full Story -

Artist illustration of Deep Impact with Comet Tempel 1. Image credit: NASA/JPL. Click to enlarge.
NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft observed a massive, short-lived outburst of ice or other particles from comet Tempel 1 that temporarily expanded the size and reflectivity of the cloud of dust and gas (coma) that surrounds the comet nucleus.

The outburst was detected as a dramatic brightening of the comet on June 22. It is the second of two such events observed in the past two weeks. A smaller outburst also was seen on June 14 by Deep Impact, the Hubble Space Telescope and by ground based observers.


NASA comet crash to seek building blocks of life

Wed Jun 29, 2:46 PM ET

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -
NASAscientists are preparing to slam a coffee table-sized spacecraft into a comet half the size of Manhattan on July 4 in a cosmic smashup aimed at discovering the building blocks of life on Earth.

The mission, known as Deep Impact, aims to uncover and photograph pristine material formed billions of years ago during the creation of the universe by blasting a crater the size of a football stadium into comet Tempel 1.

Comets are composed of ice, gas and dust from the solar system's farthest and coldest regions. They often show bursts of activity, during which parts of their crusty surfaces lift off to create fan-shaped jets of dust.


Animated Guide: Deep Impact

Dopuna: 30 Jun 2005 10:02

Beyond Deep Impact: Possible Targets After Fireworks

Leonard David
Senior Space Writer
Wed Jun 29, 2:00 PM ET

BOULDER, Colorado -- Deep Impact's scheduled run-in with a comet this holiday weekend may not be a one hit wonder. Scientists are studying other potential targets after the spacecraft completes its dramatic mission at Comet Tempel 1.

The main mission for the NASA craft is to create celestial fireworks early Monday morning (late Sunday in western United States). A "Flyby" vehicle will deploy an "Impactor" probe for the hit-and-run encounter. The Impactor that thumps into Comet Tempel 1 is likely to vaporize upon impact. The kinetic energy of the collision is expected to create a crater the size of a football field and propel material from the comet's nucleus into space.


  • DJ i voditelj
  • Pridružio: 16 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 612
  • Gde živiš: SRBIJA, Beograd

Pa ako budu resavali situaciju kao u istoimenom filmu...onda smo obrali bostan !!! Da ne bude ono...oni eksperimentisali pa jedan deo "nekako" skrenuo i gle cuda krenuo ka Zemlji...i sta onda....da nece mozda Bruce Wilis opet da nas spasava....(kao u Armagedonu).brrrr...

P.S. I to bas 4 jula ce se to desiti...koincidencija ili nesto drugo?!

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

bar ce da bude vatrometa na dan nezavisnosti.... I prasine Razz... Salim se ovo je nenormalno.... Sto vise ne razviju te lasere da lepo sednes za komp samo izracunas udaljenost i pritisnes ENTER i te komete bise nema...

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

DJ Nexus ::P.S. I to bas 4 jula ce se to desiti...koincidencija ili nesto drugo?!

4. jul je Dan ustanka nasih naroda i narodnosti!

Ma Ameri vole pompezne datume...

Dopuna: 01 Jul 2005 9:34

Nema vatrometa od komete Smile

Comet won't provide fireworks around here
Posted: July 1, 2005

When the NASA-controlled Deep Impact spacecraft fires a projectile into the path of the Tempel 1 comet to blow a crater into the ball of ice on Independence Day, telescopes and binoculars will be trained skyward with hopes of getting a glimpse of the collision. But here in Wisconsin, our best view might just be a before-and-after comparison, says amateur astronomer Paul Chapman of the American Science and Surplus store in Niles, Ill. Chapman took time to discuss the space matter with reporter Jamaal Abdul-Alim the other day at the local American Science and Surplus store at 6901 W. Oklahoma Ave.


  • DJ i voditelj
  • Pridružio: 16 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 612
  • Gde živiš: SRBIJA, Beograd

Ma me i brine !?

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland


Ti si odlican naslednik jednog naseg bivseg clana, glavnog paranoika Smile
Opusti se i uzivaj Smile

Kad te citam, setim se opste panike koja je vladala ovde pre pomracenje sunca 99te... Bilo me je prosto blam...

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