Britanija pravi najveci model Suncevog sistema!

Britanija pravi najveci model Suncevog sistema!

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

UK Solar System set for creation
By Dr Lucy Rogers

The Sun is over 1.39 million km wide but if it were the size of a washing machine, Pluto would be 4.2km away - and the size of a pinhead.

The vast distances in our Solar System are difficult to comprehend - so the SpacedOut project intends to bring the scale down to Earth - or rather the UK.

The project opens from Friday for the start of National Science Week.

Its sculptures representing different space objects will stretch from the Shetland Islands to Cornwall.

"It incorporates models that represent the Sun, the planets, Halley's comet and numerous asteroids," said project director Nigel Marshall.


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