Probudio se Philae

Probudio se Philae

  • bocke  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator Linux foruma
  • Veliki Pingvin
  • Guru
  • Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 12543
  • Gde živiš: Južni pol

Evropska svemirska agencija je objavila da se lander koji je letelica Rosetta lansirala na kometu 67P prošlog novembra ponovo oglasio. Nakon sletanja, Philae je radio 60 sati nakon čega se solarna baterija ugasila. Sada kada se kometa približila suncu, Philae je ponovo proradio. Twiter nalog koji je povezan sa projektom se, na sveopšte oduševljenje tviteraša i evropske naučne zajednice, oglasio sledećim tweetom: "Hello Earth! Can you hear me? #WakeUpPhilae".

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  • Pridružio: 12 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 10910

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  • Pridružio: 12 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 10910

Napisano: 19 Jun 2015 20:02

Novi kontakt s Filijem smešak

Citat:Rosetta and Philae in contact again

ESA and its Rosetta mission partners have confirmed that another communication link has been made between Rosetta and Philae today.

The signal was transmitted from Rosetta to ESA’s space operations centre in Darmstadt and received at 15:37 CEST on 19 June, and confirmed by the Lander Control Centre at the German Space Centre, DLR. A second signal was received at 15:54 CEST.

The downlink was stable; the two contacts received by Rosetta lasted two minutes each. Both delivered numerous packets of lander housekeeping and status data, 185 in total, which are still being analysed at the time of this writing. No science data were anticipated or received.

“We are very happy to have received signals from the lander again, and we are all working hard towards establishing a robust link between Rosetta and Philae,” comments Patrick Martin, ESA Rosetta mission manager.

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Dopuna: 23 Jun 2015 19:51

Rosetta Mission ::Just confirmed: the Rosetta mission will be extended until the end of September 2016, at which point the spacecraft will most likely be landed on the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

Dopuna: 20 Jul 2015 11:27

Citat:Over the last few weeks, Rosetta has been flying along the terminator plane of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, at distances from 180 km down to 153 km and at latitudes between 0 and 54 degrees, in order to find the best location to communicate with Philae.

However, over the weekend of 10–11 July, the star trackers again struggled to lock on to stars at the closer distances thanks to confusion due to dust particles in the comet’s increasingly-active environment. Because safety of the spacecraft is the first priority, it is therefore being moved back to safer distances of 170–190 km.

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