Mikrofon i zvucnici

Mikrofon i zvucnici

  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2004
  • Poruke: 261

Imam mali problem sa mikrofonom i zvucnicima.Pri koriscenju mikrofona ima se utisak da ne radi dobro jer jer je zvuk preko zvucnika slabe jacine pa zvucnici moraju dobro da se pojacaju ili da se govori direktno i blizu u mikrofon. Sva podesavanja su na max pa ne verujem da je to u pitanju. Da je mikrofon uredu govori mi zvuk posle snimanja u sound recorder koji je sasvim ok i tek tad se zakljuci da je mikrofon vrlo osetljiv i daje jacinu zvuka koja se sasvim ocekuje.
E sad ovaj moj problem dolazi do izrazaja kod karaoka gde je,kako sam rekao,glas slab!
Ima jos jedan problem koji se ranije nije javljao i koji verujem da nema veze sa ovim gore navedenim jer se to skoro javilo. Ako bih pokusao da konfigurisem mikrofon pre otvaranja speech javlja sledece:

The requested task cannot be carried out because the necessary engine could not be created. Please select a different engine and/or a different audio device.

I posle toga configure microphone ne moze da se otvori jer je zatamnjen.

Ako imate ideju kako ovo resiti recite!

Dopuna: 29 Okt 2005 3:01

Ljudi molim vas protumacite mi ovo nasao sam na Microsoft-ovom sajtu objasnjenje:

The speech recognition (SR) engine and the text-to-speech (TTS) engine do not work in any applications. When you open Speech Control Panel, you may receive the following message:
The requested task cannot be carried out because the necessary speech engine could not be created. Please select a different engine and/or a different audio device.
Currently, the specific cause of the problem is not known. However, the following are possible causes:
• An incorrectly configured audio device
• A corrupted recording profile
• A corrupted user lexicon database (CurrentUserLexicon)
To determine whether CurrentUserLexicon is corrupted, use a hexadecimal editor to open the .dat file that is located in the following folder:
\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Speech\Files\UserLexicons
If the file contains only 0x00 byte values and contains no other data values, the user lexicon database has likely been corrupted.
To work around this problem, delete the corrupted user lexicon file. The system then re-creates an empty version of the file. After this, the SR engine and the TTS engine can function.

Note If you delete the user lexicon file, you lose any user-specific vocabulary that was previously added.

To delete the user lexicon file, delete the following folder:
\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Speech\Files\UserLexicons

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